STEP 1. Request application and discuss circumstances with staff (see the following page for
more specific information).
Application Deadline: _______________________________________
Public Hearing Date: _______________________________________
STEP 2. File application by the above noted deadline. An application includes the following:
a. A completed application form with the required filing fee
b. A full, recordable property description (deed or abstract)
c. A complete site sketch listing all applicable distances, setbacks or other
necessary measurements
d. For shoreland requests, septic system certification is required. (Note: Noncompliant
septic systems are required to be upgraded regardless of the outcome of the
planning commission proceedings).
STEP 3. Processing (completed by the Environmental Services staff, with the exception of plats):
a. Public hearing notice sent to the local paper and the St. Cloud Times
b. Notification of affected property owners:
-Plats - property owners within ½ mile
-Rezoning - property owners within ½ mile
-Conditional Use/Interim Use Permits - property owners within ¼ mile
c. Staff reviews application and generates a staff report
d. Mailing of information packets to the members of the Commission, and
e. Mailing of agenda and staff report to applicants
STEP 4. Planning Commission conducts hearings on plats, rezonings and conditional and interim
use permits on the third Thursday of the month unless otherwise stated.
It is recommended that the applicant(s) or their representative attend the hearing to answer
any questions the Commission may have. The Commission will base its decision on the
information presented and public testimony. Failure to have representation may result in
the continuation of the item to the next meeting.
Actions of the Planning Commission depend upon the submitted request. Plats are
recommendations to the County Board, and will follow final plat requirements.
Rezonings are also recommendations and will be submitted to the County Board of
Commissioners generally one month after the Planning Commission meeting.
Conditional and interim use permits may be approved, approved with conditions or
denied by the Planning Commission. Any item may be continued or tabled by the
Planning Commission. If the item is continued, the Planning Commission will state when
the item is continued to (either the next meeting or a specified date). There will be no
additional notification on continued items.
STEP 5. All conditional and interim use permits are recorded with the property deed in the County
Recorder’s Office. If the conditional use permit is denied, notice will be sent to the
applicant(s) via certified mail.
STEP 6. Once the proceedings for conditional and interim use permits are recorded, a copy will be
sent to the applicant(s) via mail.
Environmental Services Department
Administration Center Rm. 343 - 705 Courthouse Square - St. Cloud, MN 56303
320-656-3613 or 1-800-450-0852 - Fax 320-656-6484
Application Fee: $ File No. Receipt No.
Staff to Complete
Overlay Districts
Conservation Overlay
Shoreland: Water Body Name/Number
County’s Present Zoning District:
Proposed acreage to be rezoned:
County’s Future Land Use Map District:
1. Proposed use of the land to be rezoned:
Property Owner
Property Owner Email
Address of Property
Mailing Address
Applicant (if different from above)
Applicant Email
Applicant Mailing Address
Parcel I.D. Number(s)
Legal Description
2. Describe how the proposed rezoning will be compatible with the Comprehensive Plan (see attached
Goals and Objectives).
3. Township Review : (Twp Name)
(A completed Township recommendation form from the Township stating their comments is required prior
to the submittal of this rezoning request.)
Property Owner’s Signature Date
Applicant’s Signature Date
Signature of this app
lication authorizes Environmental Services Staff, Board of Adjustment and/or Planning Commission
members, and County Board of Commissioners to enter upon the property to perform needed inspections and review. All
have county-issued badges. Entry may be without prior notice.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Staff will review your application and determine if the application is complete.
If the application is complete, the application will be scheduled for a Public Hearing with the County
Planning Commission who will recommend action to the County Board of Commissioners. It typically
takes 2 months from the time a complete application is submitted until the County Board issues final
approval or denial of the
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Stearns County Planning Commission
Worksheet for Findings of Fact- Rezoning
Findings shall be made in either recommending approval or denial of a rezoning
application, and should reference specific sections of ordinances that apply to the project.
Questions which you could be asking include, but are not limited to:
Does the proposal conform to the County’s Comprehensive Plan? Why or why
not? (Policy Areas Map figure 3.3, Future Land Use Map figure 3.4 or Goals and
Future Land Use Map:
Policy area map:
Goals and Objectives:
Is the proposed rezoning compatible with the present and future land uses in the
area of the proposal?
Present Zoning
Proposed Zoning
LESA Score
Scenic Views/Rural Character:
Are there environmental concerns that should be considered as part of this
rezoning request?
Has information been provided regarding the impact to property values in the area
as a result of the rezoning?
Is there a potential for public health, safety or traffic generation impacts based on
the proposed rezoning and how will they be addressed?
How does the rezoning effect existing public services and facilities including
schools, parks, streets and utilities?
Other issues pertinent to this matter.
Note: The Planning Commission is a recommending body to the County Board, any
motion relating to the rezoning should be made in that context.
Town Board and/or Planning Commission
(Township Name)
met on
to discuss the rezoning application submitted
(City, State)
Applicants are requesting to rezone
acres from the
zoning district to the
zoning district.
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Plan designation (Fig. 3.4):
Comprehensive Plan Policy Area designation (Fig. 3.3):
The Town Board and/or Planning Commission recommends
(choose one)
of the proposed rezoning based on the following reasons:
Does the Town Board see any alternatives to the rezoning request?
Additional Comments:
Township Signature or Seal:
Note: Please attach minutes from the meeting.
Land Use Plan
Goals and Objectives
The following goals and objectives are general statements of intent that focus on the land use issues
identified through the planning process. Goals are broadly worded, while objectives define major
themes under each goal. The policies and action items listed later in this chapter are related to the
goals and objectives, but are more specific and detailed. Many of the goals and objectives are the
same or similar to those of the 1998 plan, but have been updated to address progress toward the
goals and improved understanding of the relationship of land use and natural resources.
Goal 1. Sustain agriculture as a desirable land use for the long term.
Objective 1. Nurture and preserve a sound agricultural economy.
Objective 2. Preserve highly valued farmland for agricultural pursuits.
Objective 3. Develop management methods for accommodating different types of
agricultural activity.
Goal 2. Minimize land use conflict between agriculture and other land uses.
Objective 1. Maintain suitable boundaries for urban, rural residential and agricultural
Objective 2. Provide standards to protect new and existing land uses from incompatible
land uses.
Growth and Development
Goal 3. Manage the impacts of growth and development on the County’s rural character
Objective 1. Discourage incompatible land uses through effective land use controls.
Objective 2. Identify appropriate areas for commercial, industrial, and non-farm rural
residential developments.
Objective 3. Deter premature development in rural areas and in urban expansion areas
around cities.
Goal 4. Sustain the current livability and diversity of Stearns County.
Objective 1. Recognize and respond to the differences in community needs and character,
development patterns, and natural resources in different regions of the County.
Objective 2. Preserve and protect significant, unique or sensitive natural and scenic
Objective 3. Respect and preserve architectural, archeological, and cultural history.
Objective 4. Encourage a diversity of housing opportunities meeting the needs of both
the cities and the townships.
Goal 5. Use existing infrastructure and resources efficiently.
Objective 1. Coordinate infrastructure expansion with development; and encourage
development where the infrastructure is adequate to serve that growth.
Objective 2. Provide public services and infrastructure that can be sustained over time.
Objective 3. Support the provision of joint services among jurisdictions.
Objective 4. Continue to educate people about the real cost of development.
Goal 6. Provide a variety of residential opportunities.
Objective 1. Provide a diversity of housing prices and styles, meeting the needs of
residents of different ages, incomes and lifestyles.
Objective 2. Work with the cities to provide a variety of higher-density housing types.
Objective 3. Identify appropriate locations for seasonal homes in settings that afford a
variety of natural amenities.
Objective 4. Create sufficient housing opportunities near job centers.
Natural Resources Protection
Goal 7. Identify and preserve important natural systems and sensitive natural resources.
Objective 1. Evaluate land use changes based on how they respond to existing natural
systems and their potential impacts on natural resources.
Objective 2. Develop and employ land use regulations and other techniques for natural
resource protection, including transfer of development rights or density, best
management practices, and public acquisition.
Objective 3. Recognize the relationship between land use and water quality, and continue
to support water quality improvements through land use plans and regulations.
Goal 8. Explore the development of a comprehensive land value assessment policy and tax
assessment guidelines that would encourage preservation of open space parcels, including
both agricultural and forested areas.
Objective 1. Evaluate the current tax assessment policies of Stearns County in
conjunction with statewide requirements, in order to evaluate the effects of
assessment policies on protected open space, whether protected by easement or
by zoning and land use policies.
Natural Resources and Environmental Management Plan
Goals and Objectives
The following goals and objectives are general statements of intent that focus on the natural
resource issues identified through the planning process and in other required planning efforts such
as the Water Plan and the Solid Waste Plan. Goals are broadly worded, while objectives define major
themes under each goal. Stearns County set a number of natural resource goals in its 1998
Comprehensive Plan. Many of the 1998 Plan goals are still valid and have been reaffirmed by the
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). Some goals from 1998 have been modified or simplified, and
the CAC has identified some new priorities for natural resources. Additional new goals reflect goal
statements in the Water Plan and Solid Waste Plan. Finally, natural resource goals are also included
in the Land Use chapter of this Plan, reflecting the significant overlap of land use choices and the
functioning of natural systems.
Goal 1. Preserve important natural systems.
Objective 1. Identify the suitability of natural systems and resources for development or
Objective 2. Develop strong performance standards to preserve sensitive natural features
and systems.
Objective 3. Preserve watershed functions for high-quality surface waters and recreation
areas, and provide for restoration of watershed function for impaired waters.
Objective 4. Recognize natural systems as critical infrastructure, equivalent to other kinds
of infrastructure in assuring the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life for
County residents, visitors, and businesses.
Objective 5. Minimize the alteration of wetlands.
Goal 2. Assure the reasonable and responsible use of the County’s natural resources,
including land, surface and ground water, minerals, open space, wetlands, wildlife, and
Objective 1. Provide for the managed, sustainable use of mineral, soil, water, and timber
Objective 2. Protect large wooded tracts and special habitats through preservation,
conservation development standards, and promoting strong stewardship efforts
by individuals and private organizations..
Objective 3. Recognize the carrying capacity of groundwater and surface water in
development and use decisions.
Objective 4. Encourage use of renewable energy systems, including wind energy and solar
energy, which reduce the footprint of development on local and global natural
Goal 3. Protect the County’s agricultural natural resources.
Objective 1. Protect agricultural soils and other agricultural resources by regulating non-
agricultural land uses in areas with agricultural soils.
Objective 2. Encourage sustainable agricultural practices that protect agricultural soils and
waters for future generations.
Goal 4. Protect the County’s aggregate resources and provide for reasonable economic use
of aggregate.
Objective 1. Locate the high quality aggregate resources in the County to guide protection
and utilization activities
Objective 2. Manage aggregate resources to provide for the extraction of high quality
aggregate prior to non-agricultural development on the site.
Objective 3. Adopt regulations to minimize nuisances from aggregate extraction that
affect developed areas and that ensure restoration of extraction sites to protect
other natural resources and natural functions.
Goal 5. Support the goals of the County Water Plan.
Objective 1. Protect drinking water sources through encouraging sustainable water use
and preserving the function of wellhead areas and groundwater recharge areas in
land use decisions.
Objective 2. Minimize impacts to water quality from development through use of low
impact development techniques, improved management of buffers and natural
resources in shoreland areas, and improve stormwater management in existing
developed areas.
Objective 3. Continue to identify impaired waters in the County and work to implement
best management practices for restoring surface waters to non-impaired status.
Goal 6. Support the goals of the Stearns County Solid Waste Management Plan.
Objective 1. Provide a program for handling solid wastes that will anticipate residential,
agricultural, commercial and industrial expansion.
Objective 2. Encourage and educate citizens and businesses on the importance of waste
reduction and reuse.
Objective 3. Encourage energy recovery from solid waste.
Objective 4. Acknowledge that landfills will be part of the solid waste disposal approach
of Stearns County’s non-hazardous industrial and demolition debris.
Objective 5. Promote and encourage private sector participation in the collection,
transportation and processing of solid waste and recyclable material.
Objective 6. Continue compliance with the solid waste management goals and policies set
forth by the State Pollution Control Agency.
Economic Development Plan
Goals and Objectives
The following goals and objectives are general statements of intent that focus on the economic
development issues identified through the planning process. Goals are broadly worded, while
objectives define major themes under each goal. Stearns County set a number of economic
development goals in its 1998 Comprehensive Plan. Many of these goals are still valid and have
been reaffirmed by the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). Some goals have been modified or
simplified, and the CAC has identified some new priorities for economic development.
Goal 1. Maintain and strengthen economic diversity.
Objective 1. Promote and retain agriculture in areas with highly valued agricultural land or
economically viable animal agriculture operations.
Objective 2. Encourage industrial development within existing communities, including
redevelopment of existing sites and filling of industrial and business parks.
Objective 3. Acknowledge tourism’s economic value and the prospective contribution of
this industry to both the diversity of the County economic base and the potential
for growth.
Objective 4. Protect tourism and related resources from detrimental development activity
and conflicting land uses.
Objective 5. Enhance the regional role of the St. Cloud metropolitan area by
strengthening economic connections between the metropolitan area and other
Stearns County cities and towns.
Objective 6. Provide for the continued viability of the rural small town as an agricultural
service center and to provide opportunities for jobs and housing where
consistent with infrastructure and natural resources carrying capacity.
Objective 7. Enhance the ability of local retail and commercial businesses to sustain small
city and town center commercial areas.
Goal 2. Update, diversify and expand the manufacturing sector of the economy.
Objective 1. Assist businesses with job retention and expansion opportunities.
Objective 2. Secure new manufacturing enterprises, including opportunities to create
value-added operations to the County’s agricultural and natural resource base,
and to take advantage of Stearns County’s access to other regional and national
Objective 3. Integrate eco-industrial and sustainable design concepts into
commercial/industrial areas.
Goal 3. Strengthen and diversify the agricultural economy.
Objective 1. Strive for and support higher farm profitability and family farm stability,
including encouraging creative agricultural diversification of crops and products,
vertically integrated operations with direct access to local markets, and certified
production that has a higher market value.
Objective 2. Capture an increasing share of the opportunities for value-added agriculture
in food manufacturing, bio-fuels, and the burgeoning industries utilizing
agricultural products as a feedstock.
Objective 3. Create opportunities for new investment in agricultural operations and
support industries.
Goal 4. Promote sustainable development initiatives.
Objective 1. Encourage the establishment and use of eco-industrial parks to maximize the
environmental, economic and cultural connections between development and
community health.
Objective 2. Increase the value of Stearns County economic production by ensuring that
operations sustain natural resources, increase the use of efficient modes of
transport such as rail, and access local markets.
Objective 3. Encourage and promote the use of “green” architecture design principles
that minimize impacts to the natural and cultural environments and reduce long-
run risk to businesses.
Objective 4. Encourage revitalization of the traditional downtown areas throughout the
County to create walkable, sustainable, appealing communities that reflect the
unique character of Stearns County cities.
Objective 5. Encourage the appropriate development and use of electricity from wind
energy as a means of substituting underutilized local renewable resources for
non-renewable, non-local, energy sources.
Goal 5. Create a range of economic development programs and tools that move the County
toward its goals.
Objective 1. Encourage efficient expansion of public infrastructure by municipal
governments to keep debt payments, maintenance costs and tax burdens low.
Objective 2. Use creative and selective tax abatement agreements to encourage expansion
in appropriate locations and to encourage linking of economic investment to the
county labor force.
Objective 3. Continue to create cooperative efforts for economic development among
Stearns County municipalities and multi-city promotions to maximize the synergy
of each community’s economic assets.
Large copies of these maps and a description of the Policy Areas and Land Use Categories
are available from Environmental Services or in the Comprehensive Plan on the County’s
website at
Planning Commission Public Hearing Procedures
1) Prior to the first public hearing, the Planning Commission Chair will briefly explain the
public hearing process and the steps the Commission will take in making their decisions
on applications. Commission members, any member of the public, the applicant and
staff should endeavor at all times to be respectful and understanding of one another
during this entire public hearing.
2) For each application, the Chair will first declare the public hearing to be open and then
request the applicant to come forward and state their name.
3) Next, the Chair will call on the Environmental Services Department staff to give a
summary of the application and provide pertinent information regarding the property and
the applicant’s request. Following the summary, the Chair will allow the applicant an
opportunity to add any additional information in regards to the request.
4) The next step will be for the Chair to allow members of the public to state their position in
regard to the application. Speakers should first state their name for the record.
Comments should be limited to issues directly related to the request and be presented in
a manner that is respectful to the Commission, the applicant, staff and others present at
the hearing. If an item is particularly controversial and entails considerable discussion,
the Chair may ask that positions not be repeated and that only new information be
presented. If the public has questions of the applicant or staff, those questions must be
directed through the Chair in order to maintain order and provide proper protocol for the
meeting. At anytime the Commission may ask questions of the applicant, staff, or the
5) Following the conclusion of all public testimony, the Chair will call for a motion to close
the public hearing. Once the public hearing is closed, only the Commission members
may ask clarifying questions of the applicant or staff. During this time, the applicant
and/or the public may not make any further comments or testimony unless directed to do
so by the Chair. This is an opportunity for the Commission to discuss the request and
testimony among themselves and begin to frame their individual positions on the merits
of the application.
6) Once it appears that all issues have been discussed and questions have been asked by
the Commission members, the Chair will direct the Commission members to proceed
with making their Findings of Fact. This is a formal process in which the Chair will read
through a series of questions aimed at determining whether or not the request and
testimony presented meet the intent of the comprehensive plan and all applicable
ordinance requirements. Following the completion of the Findings of Fact, the Chair will
call for a motion in support of or in denial of the request. The motion passed must be
supported by the evidence in the Commission’s Findings of Fact. For conditional use
permits and interim use permits, the motion made by the Commission will be to grant or
deny the request. For plats and rezoning applications, the motion made by the
Commission will be a recommendation of approval or denial to the County Board of
Commissioners. At a later date, the County Board of Commissioners will make the final
decision on these requests.
7) Applicants for a conditional use permit, interim use permit, rezoning, or plat will receive
written notice of the Commission’s decision within one week of the public hearing