Planning Commission Public Hearing Procedures
1) Prior to the first public hearing, the Planning Commission Chair will briefly explain the
public hearing process and the steps the Commission will take in making their decisions
on applications. Commission members, any member of the public, the applicant and
staff should endeavor at all times to be respectful and understanding of one another
during this entire public hearing.
2) For each application, the Chair will first declare the public hearing to be open and then
request the applicant to come forward and state their name.
3) Next, the Chair will call on the Environmental Services Department staff to give a
summary of the application and provide pertinent information regarding the property and
the applicant’s request. Following the summary, the Chair will allow the applicant an
opportunity to add any additional information in regards to the request.
4) The next step will be for the Chair to allow members of the public to state their position in
regard to the application. Speakers should first state their name for the record.
Comments should be limited to issues directly related to the request and be presented in
a manner that is respectful to the Commission, the applicant, staff and others present at
the hearing. If an item is particularly controversial and entails considerable discussion,
the Chair may ask that positions not be repeated and that only new information be
presented. If the public has questions of the applicant or staff, those questions must be
directed through the Chair in order to maintain order and provide proper protocol for the
meeting. At anytime the Commission may ask questions of the applicant, staff, or the
5) Following the conclusion of all public testimony, the Chair will call for a motion to close
the public hearing. Once the public hearing is closed, only the Commission members
may ask clarifying questions of the applicant or staff. During this time, the applicant
and/or the public may not make any further comments or testimony unless directed to do
so by the Chair. This is an opportunity for the Commission to discuss the request and
testimony among themselves and begin to frame their individual positions on the merits
of the application.
6) Once it appears that all issues have been discussed and questions have been asked by
the Commission members, the Chair will direct the Commission members to proceed
with making their Findings of Fact. This is a formal process in which the Chair will read
through a series of questions aimed at determining whether or not the request and
testimony presented meet the intent of the comprehensive plan and all applicable
ordinance requirements. Following the completion of the Findings of Fact, the Chair will
call for a motion in support of or in denial of the request. The motion passed must be
supported by the evidence in the Commission’s Findings of Fact. For conditional use
permits and interim use permits, the motion made by the Commission will be to grant or
deny the request. For plats and rezoning applications, the motion made by the
Commission will be a recommendation of approval or denial to the County Board of
Commissioners. At a later date, the County Board of Commissioners will make the final
decision on these requests.
7) Applicants for a conditional use permit, interim use permit, rezoning, or plat will receive
written notice of the Commission’s decision within one week of the public hearing