West Virginia Department of Education
March 2017
II. Summary of Performance:
(Completion of this section may require input from a variety of staff, but
one person should have the responsibility of gathering and organizing the
information. Describe both present levels of performance that apply to
the student and the essential accommodations, modifications and
assistive technology utilized to assist the student in achieving progress.
Address only those areas that apply.)
Accommodation-a support or service that is provided to help a student
fully access the general education curriculum or subject matter and does
not change the content of what is being taught or the expectation that the
student meet a performance standard applied for all students. (Example:
Deficit spelling/handwriting skills may require a note-taker, permission
to word process notes, provision of extra notes)
Adaptation (also known as modification)-changes to the general
education curriculum or other material being taught, which alters the
standards or expectations for students with disabilities. Instruction can
be adapted so that the material is presented differently and/or the
expectations of what the student will master are changed. Adaptations
are not allowed in most postsecondary education environments.
Assistive technology-any device that helps a student with a disability
function in a given environment, but does not limit the device to
expensive “high-tech” options. Assistive technology can also include
simple devices such as laminated pictures for communication, removable
highlighter tape, Velcro and other “low-tech” devices.
A. Academic Achievement: Specifically discuss the
current level of performance in applicable areas of
Reading (decoding, comprehension, fluency)
Math (calculation, algebraic problem solving,
quantitative reasoning)
Language (written, speaking, listening, spelling)
Learning skills (work habits, note taking,
keyboarding, organization, time management,
assignment completion, study skills, test taking skills)
in detail using both narrative information for strengths
and needs as well scores and grade level functioning
Identify essential accommodations,
modifications and/or assistive technology
utilized in high school and why they were
needed for academics described in the
current level of performance.
B. Functional Performance: Specifically discuss the
current level of performance in applicable areas of
General ability and problem solving (reasoning,
Attention and executive functioning (stamina,
sustained attention, memory, processing speed,
impulse control, activity level)
Communication (speech, language, assisted
Social skills and behavior (interactions with others,
responsiveness to services and accommodations,
ability to request assistance, extra-curricular activities,
confidence, persistence in the learning environment),
Independent living skills (self-care, leisure skills,
personal safety, transportation, money skills)
Environmental access/mobility (assistive technology,
mobility, transportation)
Self determination/self advocacy (ability to
respectfully identify needs and articulate goals)
Career/employment (interests, experiences,
exploration, aptitudes)
Medical or family issues/concerns
Identify essential accommodations,
adaptations and/or assistive technology
utilized in high school and why they were
needed for functional performance described
in the current level of performance.