_______________County Schools
Student’s Full Name ________________________________
Date __________________________________
School ____________________________________________
Date of Birth ___________________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) _______________________________
Grade _________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
WVEIS# _______________________________
City/State/Zip ______________________________________
Telephone ______________________________
Additional Background Information (optional): ______________________________________________________
Use WV Guidelines to Assist in Development of the Summary of Performance when completing this form.
Postsecondary Goal(s)
Education/Training: ________________________________________________________________________
Employment: _____________________________________________________________________________
Independent Living Skills: (if appropriate) ______________________________________________________
Summary of Performance (identify essential accommodations, modifications and/or assistive technology)
Academic Achievement:
Functional Performance:
Pre-employment Transition Services
Student Perspective: (Impact of disability)
Supports tried: ____________________________________________________________________________
Supports that work: ________________________________________________________________________
Supports that did not work: __________________________________________________________________
Strengths/Needs others should know: __________________________________________________________
Recommendations for Meeting Postsecondary Goal(s) (identify the accommodations, adaptations and
assistive technology)
Education/Training: ________________________________________________________________________
Employment: _____________________________________________________________________________
Independent Living Skills: (if appropriate)_______________________________________________________
Community Participation: ___________________________________________________________________
NOTE: Attach academic transcript and/or relevant assessment data to this form
West Virginia Department of Education
March 2017
West Virginia Department of Education
March 2017
Purpose: For a child whose eligibility under special education terminates due to graduation from secondary school with a regular diploma, or due to exceeding the age of
eligibility for Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) under State law, the local education agency “must provide the child with a summary of the child’s academic
achievement and functional performance, which shall include recommendations on how to assist the child in meeting the child’s postsecondary goals” §Sec.300.305 (e)
(3). – IDEA 2004 WV Guidelines
The Summary of Performance (SOP):
Is designed to assist the student in transition from high school to post school activities, including postsecondary education, training and/or employment, along
with additional documentation, for the purpose of establishing a student’s eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with
Disabilities Act and identification of reasonable accommodations and supports in postsecondary settings
Is helpful for the Rehabilitation Services Comprehensive Assessment process
Is intended to help postsecondary institutions consider accommodations for access
Is useful when linked with the IEP process and the student has the opportunity to actively participate in the development of the document
Must be completed during the final year of a student’s high school education with timing of completion depending on student’s postsecondary goals (Example:
transition to higher education may require submission along with application OR application for employment/agency may be needed near the end of the school
year to provide the most updated information on student performance)
Recommendations should not imply that any individual who qualified for special education in high school would automatically qualify for services in
postsecondary education or employment settings. Those settings will continue to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Basic background information:
(Provide identifying information.)
Complete, legal name
School last attended
Parent or guardian name(s)
Complete mailing address
Additional background information:
Name/title/contact information of staff
completing SOP
Date of most recent IEP
Primary Language/Services for ELL
I. Postsecondary goals:
(Indicate the post-school environments the student intends to
transition to upon exit from high school.)
List the goals for environments of
West Virginia Department of Education
March 2017
II. Summary of Performance:
(Completion of this section may require input from a variety of staff, but
one person should have the responsibility of gathering and organizing the
information. Describe both present levels of performance that apply to
the student and the essential accommodations, modifications and
assistive technology utilized to assist the student in achieving progress.
Address only those areas that apply.)
Accommodation-a support or service that is provided to help a student
fully access the general education curriculum or subject matter and does
not change the content of what is being taught or the expectation that the
student meet a performance standard applied for all students. (Example:
Deficit spelling/handwriting skills may require a note-taker, permission
to word process notes, provision of extra notes)
Adaptation (also known as modification)-changes to the general
education curriculum or other material being taught, which alters the
standards or expectations for students with disabilities. Instruction can
be adapted so that the material is presented differently and/or the
expectations of what the student will master are changed. Adaptations
are not allowed in most postsecondary education environments.
Assistive technology-any device that helps a student with a disability
function in a given environment, but does not limit the device to
expensive “high-tech” options. Assistive technology can also include
simple devices such as laminated pictures for communication, removable
highlighter tape, Velcro and other “low-tech” devices.
A. Academic Achievement: Specifically discuss the
current level of performance in applicable areas of
Reading (decoding, comprehension, fluency)
Math (calculation, algebraic problem solving,
quantitative reasoning)
Language (written, speaking, listening, spelling)
Learning skills (work habits, note taking,
keyboarding, organization, time management,
assignment completion, study skills, test taking skills)
in detail using both narrative information for strengths
and needs as well scores and grade level functioning
Identify essential accommodations,
modifications and/or assistive technology
utilized in high school and why they were
needed for academics described in the
current level of performance.
B. Functional Performance: Specifically discuss the
current level of performance in applicable areas of
General ability and problem solving (reasoning,
Attention and executive functioning (stamina,
sustained attention, memory, processing speed,
impulse control, activity level)
Communication (speech, language, assisted
Social skills and behavior (interactions with others,
responsiveness to services and accommodations,
ability to request assistance, extra-curricular activities,
confidence, persistence in the learning environment),
Independent living skills (self-care, leisure skills,
personal safety, transportation, money skills)
Environmental access/mobility (assistive technology,
mobility, transportation)
Self determination/self advocacy (ability to
respectfully identify needs and articulate goals)
Career/employment (interests, experiences,
exploration, aptitudes)
Medical or family issues/concerns
Identify essential accommodations,
adaptations and/or assistive technology
utilized in high school and why they were
needed for functional performance described
in the current level of performance.
West Virginia Department of Education
March 2017
NOTE: It is highly recommended that student perspective and voice are
incorporated as part the SOP. This section may be completed
independently by the student or completed with the student through an
interview. The student’s contribution can help:
Professionals complete the summary,
The student to better understand the impact of his/her disability on
academic and functional performance in the postsecondary setting,
Postsecondary personnel to more clearly understand the student’s
strengths and impact of the disability on this student.
C. Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) may include services provided by schools
and by the Division of Rehabilitation Services that include:
Job exploration
Work-based learning
Counseling for transition & post-secondary programs
Workplace readiness training
Self-determination training
D. Student Perspective/Input (Optional/Highly recommended):
Responses to the following questions should be included as part of the SOP:
1. How does your disability affect your schoolwork and school activities (such as grades,
relationships, assignments, projects, communication, time on tests, mobility, extra-
curricular activities)?
2. In the past, what supports have been tried by school staff or by you to help you succeed
in school (aids, adaptive equipment, physical accommodations, behavior supports,
academic changes, other services)?
3. Which of these accommodations and supports have worked best for you?
4. Which of these accommodations and supports have not worked?
5. What strengths and needs should professionals know about you as you enter the
postsecondary education or work setting?
III. Recommendations for meeting postsecondary goals:
(Indicate suggestions for accommodations, adaptive devices, assistive
services, compensatory strategies and/or collateral support services to
enhance access in the applicable post-high school environments listed.)
Education: College, Community and Technical College, Career and Technical
Education/Vocational, Adult Education, Apprenticeship Programs
Employment (be specific to the focused area of interest for employment)
Independent Living
Community Participation
(Attach academic transcript, awards, certificates, credentials, relevant and
most recent assessment data that clearly identify the student’s disability or
functional limitations and will assist in postsecondary planning.)
Transcripts, awards, certificates, credentials
Psychological/cognitive/adaptive behavior
Medical/physical/social skills/behavior analysis
Situational/simulated work experiences
Career interest/aptitude
Self determination
Assistive technology
Informal assessment
Adapted from the Nationally Ratified
Summary of Performance Model Template
9/06 – Karen Ruddle, WVDE OSE
Revised 10/16