Made this _________ day of ________________, 20______,
herein designated as Subordinator,
herein designated as Subordinatee,
WHEREAS, the Subordinator is the holder of a mortgage, originally in the amount of $___________________,
and the bond, note or other obligation secured therein, dated _____________,
made by:
MORTGAGOR (borrower):
MORTGAGEE (lender):
upon the lands and premises therein described, lying and being in the County of _____________, and State of
New Jersey, which mortgage was recorded on _____________, in the Office of the Clerk / Register, County of
_____________, in Book ________, at Page _________ / Instrument No. ______________.
WHEREAS, the Subordinatee desires to place a First Lien Priority Mortgage on lands and premises owned by
_____________, known as _____________, Lot _____________, which First Lien Mortgage, the owner desires
to grant to Subordinatee.
WHEREAS, the Subordinatee will receive, accept and record a First Lien Mortgage and require that the
aforementioned mortgage held by the Subordinator shall be subordinated and postponed tothe First Lien
Mortgage to be granted by Subordinatee.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Subordinator hereby accepts and agrees that the mortgage of the