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The first part of the qualification test consists of a written examination, and
the second part is a hands-on practical demonstration of ultrasonic
testing proficiency. Both parts will be based on the requirements of the
American Welding Society AWS D1.1-20 Code, Clause 8, Part F “Ultrasonic
Testing of Groove Welds”. The written specific examination will be given a
minimum of twice per month at the Caltrans Transportation Laboratory in
Sacramento, California or the Bay Area METS office located at 690 Walnut
Ave Suite 150 in Vallejo, CA. A maximum of ten people can take the test
on any given day. The written specific qualification examination will
consist of twenty multiple choice, and true or false questions. The written
examination will test the candidate’s ability to apply the rules of AWS
D1.1-20 Code. A maximum time duration of two hours will be strictly
enforced. A minimum of fourteen out of the twenty questions (70%) must
be answered correctly to pass the written test.
Caltrans will provide reference material to answer the code and
specification questions. The Caltrans provided reference material is a
laminated copy of AWS D1.1-20, Clause 8, and a Caltrans Standard
Specification book. Some questions will require calculations to determine
the correct answer. Candidates must bring a calculator and photograph
identification to the test site. The candidate shall not bring any additional
reference material to the test. A representative of Caltrans will proctor
the examination. The proctor for the written examination will be an
Engineer, Caltrans NDT Level III, or Caltrans NDT Level II Technician. The
results of the examination will be mailed to the candidate within seven
working days. The results will be reported as “pass” or “fail”. No
information regarding the results of the qualification test will be given on
the telephone. The examination questions will not be reviewed or
discussed with the applicants. The candidate is responsible for notifying
their employer of their test result status. Only candidates that pass the
written examination will be permitted to take the second part of the
qualification test.
Candidates that fail the written examination may apply for a subsequent
qualification test, after a thirty-day waiting period. The thirty-day waiting
period commences from the date noted on the result notification letter.
During this waiting period, the candidate shall receive additional training.
This additional training must be documented in a notarized letter signed
by an ASNT NDT Level III. This notarized letter must be attached to the
application, along with the qualifications of the Level III. Caltrans will
review the application for re-testing and notify the candidate of the
application disposition within ten days of receipt. The Certifying Authority
shall determine if the additional training is sufficient, based upon the
previous qualification test results.