Plat Name: ___________________________________________________ Plat Date: _______________
Subdivider Name: ______________________________________________ Phone #: _______________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Subdivider Name #2: ____________________________________________ Phone #: _______________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Surveyor Name & Firm: _________________________________________________________________
License Number: _______________________________________________ Phone #: _______________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
___ Prepared by Virginia certified professional engineer or land surveyor
___ Remainder parcel also surveyed (if less than 20 acres) Section 8-111 and 8-171(c)
___ Location of existing and proposed monuments shown
___ Location of existing dwellings and their drain fields and reserve areas shown
___ Location of any grave, object or structure marking a place of burial shown
___ Location of existing culverts, drains and watercourses, and sinkholes shown
Plat Features:
___ Note and title bar identify as “Minor Subdivision”
___ Note identifying name and address of legal owner(s). If owner is a corporation, then provide name
and address of chief officer of the corporation
___ Note identifying tax parcel map number and parcel ID number
___ Note identifying zoning district and setback (front, rear, side) minimums
___ Reference Special Use Permit, Proffered Conditions or Variance (if applicable)
___ Reference Agricultural and Forestal District Information (if applicable)-Section 8-174(11)
___ Reference Conservation Easement Information (if applicable)-Section 8-173(20) and 8-174(12)
___ Reference Dam Inundation Zone (notation shall be placed on plats, if applicable)-Section 8-173(21)
and 8-174(13)
___ Location of all known drainage easements, utility easements, sewer lines, water lines, gas lines, power
lines, manholes, or fire hydrants-Section 8-173(22) and 8-174(14)
___ Note giving total area subdivided
___ Area of dedicated right-of-way shown (if applicable)
___ North arrow with source of meridian shown
___ Date of drawing and graphic scale shown
___ Vicinity map shown at a scale of no less than 1 inch to 2,000 feet
___ Names of adjoining property owners and deed/plat references shown
___ If remainder not surveyed (over 20 acres), then show sketch map of the entire property to be
subdivided with sufficient detail to verify the following-Section 8-171(c)1-5
a. That the remainder meets minimum road frontages requirements for the zoning district;
b. The approximate acreage of the remainder parcel;
c. The delineation of any known existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way;
d. The location of known existing septic drain fields and reserve areas and private well locations,
located by a licensed surveyor;
e. The location of existing buildings within 50 feet of any new boundary line.
Lot design and arrangement:
___ Acreage and dimensions of each lot shown
___ Meet minimum lot size for zoning district
___ Meet minimum lot frontage on a public street for zoning district, or
___ Exception (if A-1 parent parcel) for one lot served by 40’ minimum right-of-way connecting to a public
___ Provide deed/plat reference and right-of-way widths for all existing right-of-
ways used to connect to a public street
___ Provide private access easement note
___ Meet maximum length/width ratio for zoning district (if lot less than 20 acres)
___ Lot assignment table shown (if A-1 or C-1 districts) and completed correctly
___ Access to existing streets minimized
___ Meet minimum setbacks for any existing structures
___ Note identifying flood zone and applicable Flood Insurance Rate Map
___ Location of HUD/FEMA designated 100-year flood plain and base flood elevations shown
___ Location of approximated 100-year flood plains shown, and
___ Base flood elevations calculated (if 5+ lots or 50+ acres)
___ Area of 100-year flood plain calculated
___ Public water (required if within 200 feet of an existing water line)
___ Note that all lots served by public water
___ Location of easements from lots to existing water line (15’ minimum width) shown
___ Fire hydrants meeting section 8-154 criteria shown
___ Town/PSA Subdivision Approval Letter (documentation)
___ Public sewer (required if within 200’ of an existing sewer line)
___ Note that all lots served by pubic sewer
___ Location of easements from lots to existing sewer line (15’ minimum width) shown
___ Town/PSA Subdivision Approval Letter (documentation)
___ VDH approval for each individual lot (unless exempted by 8-153b)
___ VDH septic system permit numbers for each lot shown
___ Location of VDH approved drain fields and reserve areas for each lot shown
___ Location of any drain field/reserve area easements on adjoining properties shown
___ Private soil evaluations for each individual lot (unless exempted by 8-153b)
___ VDH Subdivision Approval Statement for use with private soil evaluations
___ VDH Subdivision Approval Letter (documentation) for private soil evaluations
___ Location of approved drain fields and reserve areas for each lot shown
___ Location of any drain field/reserve area easements on adjoining properties shown
___ Existing street names, route numbers and right-of-way width shown
___ Lots abut streets meeting VDOT right-of-way standards (Additional right-of-way dedicated if lots abut
streets with less than 50’ rights-of-way)
Public Utility and Drainage Easements:
___ Location of public utility easements (15’ minimum width) shown
___ Location of drainage easements (15’ minimum width) shown
___ Note that all utilities shall be installed underground (if 4+ lots)
Plat Statements:
___ Owner’s Statement to be signed by all property owners
___ Include dedication to Montgomery County (if new public right-of-way or easements)
___ Notary’s Statement for owner’s signature
___ Conforming statement to be signed by surveyor/engineer
___ Source of Title to be signed by surveyor/engineer
___ Seal of surveyor to be signed by surveyor/engineer
___ AFD Statement (if applicable)
___ Private Access Statement (if applicable)
___ VDH Statement (if applicable)
___ Approving Statement to be signed by Subdivision Agent
Plat Review Fee Paid:
___ $ __________ Date ____________
This sheet is intended to only be a
guide for subdivision regulations.
Please see the Montgomery County
Code for the specific regulations. The
full texts of the zoning and subdivision
ordinances are available at the
Planning Department Webpage or at