___ Location of all known drainage easements, utility easements, sewer lines, water lines, gas lines, power
lines, manholes, or fire hydrants-Section 8-173(22) and 8-174(14)
___ Note giving total area subdivided
___ Area of dedicated right-of-way shown (if applicable)
___ North arrow with source of meridian shown
___ Date of drawing and graphic scale shown
___ Vicinity map shown at a scale of no less than 1 inch to 2,000 feet
___ Names of adjoining property owners and deed/plat references shown
___ If remainder not surveyed (over 20 acres), then show sketch map of the entire property to be
subdivided with sufficient detail to verify the following-Section 8-171(c)1-5
a. That the remainder meets minimum road frontages requirements for the zoning district;
b. The approximate acreage of the remainder parcel;
c. The delineation of any known existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way;
d. The location of known existing septic drain fields and reserve areas and private well locations,
located by a licensed surveyor;
e. The location of existing buildings within 50 feet of any new boundary line.
Lot design and arrangement:
___ Acreage and dimensions of each lot shown
___ Meet minimum lot size for zoning district
___ Meet minimum lot frontage on a public street for zoning district, or
___ Exception (if A-1 parent parcel) for one lot served by 40’ minimum right-of-way connecting to a public
___ Provide deed/plat reference and right-of-way widths for all existing right-of-
ways used to connect to a public street
___ Provide private access easement note
___ Meet maximum length/width ratio for zoning district (if lot less than 20 acres)
___ Lot assignment table shown (if A-1 or C-1 districts) and completed correctly
___ Access to existing streets minimized
___ Meet minimum setbacks for any existing structures
___ Note identifying flood zone and applicable Flood Insurance Rate Map