SUB-FORM-01 Updated 19 February 2020 Page 3 of 4
All items under this heading must be completed.
I have prepared my thesis as outlined in the HDR Thesis Preparation Guidelines.
I have included a Statement on the Contribution of Others, including financial and editorial help
(see HDR Thesis Preparation Guidelines).
I have read and understood the Intellectual Property Policy, in particular Section 4: Ownership
and Assignment of Intellectual Property – Students, and the University’s Copyright Policy.
I declare that this thesis is my own work and has not been submitted in any form for another
degree or diploma at any university or other institution of tertiary education. Information derived
from the published or unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and a list of
I declare that this thesis contains no material which infringes the copyright of any other person. I
have obtained permission from the copyright owners to use third-party copyright material
reproduced in the thesis (e.g. photos or other images, tables, maps, diagrams, quotes or other
blocks of text, questionnaires, unpublished letters or emails), or to use any of my own published
work (e.g. journal articles) in which the copyright is held by another party (e.g. publisher, co-
author). Any permission statements from copyright owners are in an appendix to both the print
and electronic copies of the thesis.
I have made my Advisory Panel and the Graduate Research School aware of any agreements
or contracts which will impact on the examination of my thesis (e.g. confidentiality clauses for
I will provide with this form a final electronic copy of the thesis for examination in word and pdf
format to my Primary Advisor and my College’s HDR Academic Services Officer.
I agree to my examiner reports being used anonymously for Quality Assurance and training
I have submitted a final report to the Ethics Officer if the research within my thesis required ethics
I declare that I will provide a final electronic pdf copy of my thesis to the James Cook University
Library which is an accurate copy of the thesis post-examination and corrections. I understand
that this copy is for deposit in the institutional repository ResearchOnline@JCU, and I have read
the Copyright information for repository users.
I grant the University a permanent non-exclusive licence to store, display or copy any or all of the
thesis, in all forms of media, for use within the University, and to make the thesis freely available
online to other persons or organisations
I wish for this work to be embargoed for _____ months** (up to 12) after which I grant the
University a permanent non-exclusive licence to store, display or copy any or all of the thesis, in
all forms of media, for use within the University, and to make the thesis freely available online to
other persons or organisations.
reason for the embargo is:
□ Cultural □ Commercial □ Legal □ Other_____________________________
I wish for this work to be embargoed for greater than 12 months**. A letter outlining the reasons
for a request to embargo the work for greater than 12 months will be attached to and submitted
with this form.
Candidate’s Signature
Signature: Date:
click to sign
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