Revised 6-20 TEK
Office for Disability Services
Fidel Center Room, 154
is form is to be completed by the STUDENT. (If assistance is needed, please ask the Disability Case Manager
Fill out the form as completely as possible prior to meeting with the Disability Case Manager.
Date: Banner ID: 900
e: DOB:
Box C/S #: Physical Address:
y: ________________________ State: ________________________ Zip: ________________________________
me address
(if different than physical address): _________________________________________________________
ty: __________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: ________________________________
email: _______________________________________________________ Phone #: _____________________
By p
roviding an emergency contact you give New Mexico Tech permission to contact this person in an emergency.
ergency contact: _______________________________________ Relationship: _________________________
ail: Phone:
r in school □ Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate
Student Status Full-time Part-time Prospective
Is this your first semester at Tech? YES NO
not, date of first semester at Tech: Are you a transfer student? YES NO
or area of study: ________________________________Advisor: ____________________________________
Current GPA: _____________ How are your grades this semester: Excellent Good Fair Poor
your academic performance changed? YES NO
If ye
s, how? ____________________________________________________________________________________
you have a Tech scholarship or the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship: YES NO
yes please list:
Revised 6-20 TEK
Are you working? YES NO
Place of employment: _______________________________________ Hours per week:
Diagnosis or type of disability:
Date you were diagnosed: Name of Diagnostician:
Date of most recent diagnosis
Medications currently prescribed for your disability, please list and describe:
1) 2)
3) 4)
Do you currently have a primary care provider for your disability? YES NO
Name and Profession:
Physical Address:
City: State: Zip:
Email: Phone #:
Check the major life activities/major bodily function your disability currently “substantially limits”
Include, but are not limited to:
Bending Endocrine Respiratory
Bladder Hearing Seeing
Bowel Immune System Sleeping
Brain Interacting with others Speaking
Breathing Learning Standing
Caring for self Lifting Thinking
Circulatory Neurological Walking
Communicating Normal cell growth Working
Concentrating Performing manual tasks Other ________________________
Digestive Reading
Eating Reproductive functions
Revised 6-20 TEK
How does your disability limit your academic performance?
Please describe the issues that you are experiencing in class/housing/other setting that require accommodations
Have you received accommodations for your disability in the past: YES NO
Where and what accommodation/s (list previous institutions and accommodation/s):
Check any of the following outside agencies from which you have received support:
CMC-Randolph VA
Services for the Blind Vocational Rehabilitation
Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Other:
What services did this agency provide?
Which of the following tasks do you HAVE DIFFICULTY doing? (check all that apply)
Communication Memorizing Reading/Understanding
Finishing Tests on time Paying Attention Spelling
Following directions Putting Thoughts into words Taking notes
Math calculations Physical Activities Time Management
Please describe the reasonable accommodations you are requesting:
Any other concerns that you would like to discuss:
NOTE: Accommodations are approved based on the supporting documentation provided, an intake
interview with a case manager, and may include decisions by the Office for Disability Services team.
Revised 6-20 TEK
NMT Student Agreement for Disability Services and Accommodations
My signature below affirms that I am registering with New Mexico Tech’s Office for Disability Services (ODS)
as a student with a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504.
I understand that despite my disability (Please initial each):
I fully understand that this request for accommodation(s) is based on New Mexico Tech’s need for
documentation to support my request for services.
I understand that once this request for accommodation(s) is processed, I may be required to provide
additional documentation, on a case-by-case basis, of changes in my condition. I understand NMT may not be
able to provide services until appropriate documentation has been received.
I agree to allow the disclosure of my agreed upon accommodations to my professors. I am aware that it is
my responsibility to deliver and discuss my accommodation letters with each professor. I understand that
choosing not to utilize accommodations is my choice, but they may not be used retroactively.
I understand that ODS may have student workers assisting with filing of records. I understand my
information may be shared with those within the University who have a legitimate educational interest.
I must meet the academic standards as set forth by my program of study and the classes I take, with or
without accommodations.
I am responsible for following the Universities policies and the New Mexico Tech Student Handbook: A
Guide to University Citizenship.
I am responsible for contacting ODS each semester to review my accommodation(s).
I understand that most contact with the Office for Disability Services will go through my student email
account at New Mexico Tech.
If I desire to have any information disclosed with outside parties, including my parents; I will sign a release
of information form with ODS.
I understand that student or faculty questions about accommodations should be submitted to ODS.
I, the undersigned, authorize the staff providing disability accommodation services to contact relevant New
Mexico Tech student services staff, faculty or administration to share information pertaining to my
accommodation(s) for the purpose of coordinating appropriate services and determining any necessary and
reasonable academic accommodations.
Student Signature Date:
NMT ODS Representative Signature: Date:
The institution will provide ac
commodations to students with disabilities to enable students to meet institutional
standards without compromising the Academic Integrity of the course, program, assignment or activity.