If yes, please list medication(s): ________________________________________________________________
Are you presently receiving counseling/psychiatric services from another provider or agency? □Yes □No
If yes, where? _________________________________ Name of provider? _____________________________
Overall, do you consider yourself a healthy person? □Yes □No
Have you ever received treatment for alcohol and/or drug use? □Yes □No
If yes, where? _________________________ When? ______________________________________________
Over the last two weeks, how many times have you had five (5) or more drinks* in a row?
*drink is defined as a bottle/can of beer, glass of wine, wine cooler, a mixed drink, or a shot of liquor)
□ None □Once □Twice □3 to 5 times □6 to 9 times □10 or more times
Over the last two weeks, how many times have you smoked marijuana?
□ None □Once □Twice □3 to 5 times □6 to 9 times □10 or more times
Please check any drugs you have ever used:
□None □Cocaine/Crack □Ecstasy □Spice □Bath Salts □Methamphetamine □Inhalants
□Prescription drugs □LSD □PCP □Other
Do you represent the first generation in your family to attend college? □Yes □No
How would you describe your financial status right now?
□Always stressful □Often stressful □Sometimes stressful □Rarely stressful □Never stressful
How would you describe your financial situation while growing up?
□Always stressful □Often stressful □Sometimes stressful □Rarely stressful □Never stressful
Indicate how much you agree with these statement:
“I get the emotional help and support I need from my family.”
□Strongly agree □Somewhat agree □Neutral □Somewhat Disagree □Strongly Disagree
“I get the emotional help and support I need form my social network.”
□Strongly agree □Somewhat agree □Neutral □Somewhat Disagree □Strongly Disagree
“I generally feel good about myself and believe I am worthy.”
□Strongly agree □Somewhat agree □Neutral □Somewhat Disagree □Strongly Disagree