Denominational Affiliation
The following is a list of denominations provided by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Please confirm the appropriate code
on your community directory information. If your denomination is not listed, please specify under OTHER.
Denominational Affiliation
Adventist Bodies
Anglican Church of Canada
Reformed Episcopal Church
American Baptist Churches in the USA
Baptist General Conference
Baptist Missionary Association of America BAPM
Conservative Baptist Association of America
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
General Baptist Convention, NC BAPT
National Baptist Convention
National Baptist Convention, TN
Progressive National Baptist Convention
North American Baptist Conference
Seventh Day Baptist General Conference
Southern Baptist Convention BAPS
Brethren in Christ Church
Brethren Church (Ashland, OH)
Christian Brethren (Plymouth Brethren)
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)
Church of Christ-Christian Churches
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) DISC
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ
Churches of God, General Conference COGG
Conference of Congregational Christian Churches
Evangelical Congregational Church
Evangelical Covenant Church
Evangelical Free Church of America
Friends, Religious Society of
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
General Conference Mennonite Church
Mennonite Brethren Church in North America
Mennonite Church MENC
African Methodist Episcopal AME
African Methodist Episcopal Zion
Christian Methodist Episcopal
Wesleyan Church WES
Moravian Church in America
Muslim MUSM
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in N/S America
Orthodox Church in America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
Church of God in Christ COGC
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church PREA
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Christian Reformed Church
Reformed Church in America
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Please list annual conference:
Denominational affiliation is not considered “Directory
Information” under the Family Education Rights and
Privacy Act. Therefore, Wesley Theological Seminary
must have express permission from students to publish
or release this information. Please sign the release
waiver below if you wish to include your denominational
affiliation with your directory information. Please contact
the Registrar’s Office for more information.
I give permission for Wesley Theological Seminary to
include my declared denominational affiliation with my
directory information. This includes publishing my
affiliation in the Community Directory and release of my
directory information to representatives from this
denomination, if requested by such representatives.
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