Adva nce s o f financial aid fu nds may be grante d S ep t 1 – 22, 2 020
Supply Request Advances can be made for documented expenditures directly associated with
enrollment at BCC and in an amount no greater than $800.00:
❑ Laptop, tablet purchase (see reverse for acceptable documentation)
❑ Special course supplies (see reverse for acceptable documentation)
Advances CANNOT be granted for general living expenses.
Student’s Name: ___________________________________________ Student ID: __________________
Amount Requested: ________________________________________ Date:_______________________
Student Email Address:______________________________________ Phone:______________________
(We will notify you by email as to the outcome of your request for an advance.)
Explain why you need an advance on your financial aid funds; be specific:
(You may attach a one-page typed letter):
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Attach Re q uired S upp ortin g Documentation
• See examples of acceptable documentation on the reverse. (NOTE: The Student Financial Services
Office may request additional information by email if deemed necessary to support your request for a
supply request advance.)