S upply R e quest Adv ance F or m
Student Financial Services
1350 West Street
Pittsfield MA 01201
Fax: 413-442-8930
Adva nce s o f financial aid fu nds may be grante d S ep t 1 22, 2 020
Supply Request Advances can be made for documented expenditures directly associated with
enrollment at BCC and in an amount no greater than $800.00:
Laptop, tablet purchase (see reverse for acceptable documentation)
Special course supplies (see reverse for acceptable documentation)
Advances CANNOT be granted for general living expenses.
Student’s Name: ___________________________________________ Student ID: __________________
Amount Requested: ________________________________________ Date:_______________________
Student Email Address:______________________________________ Phone:______________________
(We will notify you by email as to the outcome of your request for an advance.)
Explain why you need an advance on your financial aid funds; be specific:
(You may attach a one-page typed letter):
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Attach Re q uired S upp ortin g Documentation
See examples of acceptable documentation on the reverse. (NOTE: The Student Financial Services
Office may request additional information by email if deemed necessary to support your request for a
supply request advance.)
S upply R e quest Adv ance F or m
Student Financial Services
1350 West Street
Pittsfield MA 01201
Fax: 413-442-8930
Acce ptab le S upp ortin g Do cumen t ation
1. If you need to buy a computer, printer, or course supplies not sold in the College Bookstore
Signed statement (see reverse) explaining the need for the purchase, and
Copy of the course syllabus citing the item(s) needed, and
Computer printout or register receipt documenting the cost of the purchase(s)
2. If you would like to purchase textbooks off campus
Signed statement (see reverse) explaining the need for the advance, and
Copy of the course syllabus citing the item(s) needed, and
Computer printout or register receipt documenting the cost of the purchase(s)
NOTE: The Student Financial Services Office may request additional information by email if deemed necessary to
support your request for an advance.
No tificatio n of Adva nce
If your application for an advance is denied:
You will be notified by email.
If your application for an advance is approved:
You will be notified by email.
Your advance check will be ready for you to sign for (with photo ID) at the Student Financial Services Office,
F122, beginning at 8:00 am on the Friday following notification of approval.