Do you have a Unique Student Identifier
□ Yes
- Provide number:
□ No
, do you authorise the College to secure a USI on your behalf if required?
□ Yes □ No
Do you have Overseas Health Cover (OSHC )
If No, indicate the level of cover you require:
□ Single
Family Cover (must complete Family OSHC Application Form and provide passport copy of
family members)
Do you consider yourself to have a disability/ medical condition/ learning difficulty that may impact your study?
Do you wish toapply for CreditTransfers?
No (if yes forward copies of transcripts)
Do you wish to apply for Recognition of prior learning?
Airport Pickup and accommodation Services
Do you want FIC to arrange airport pick up and / or accommodation for you? □ Airport pick up □ Accommodation
Certified copies of Academic Transcripts
Certified copies of Graduation Certificates
Evidence of English Language Proficiency
Certified translated documents if not in English
Letter of release from current Australian education provider
Relevant documents for RPL/Credit Transfer
Completed all relevant sections of the enrolment form
Read and understood the terms and conditions of enrolment
Certified copy of the personal details page of your Passport
Certified copy of Australian Visa (if held)
A non-refundable enrolment fee of $350 only must be paid on lodgement of this application for enrolment.
Flinders International College (FIC) respects client's privacy rights and operates in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 and National Privacy
Principles 2001. FIC treats all client personal information confidentially and will not disclose any details to a third party without the client's prior written consent.
**Except where required through its commitment to comply with the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and ESOS Act
2000 and supply student data to the National VET Regulator (ASQA), National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Department of
Education, Department of Home Affairs (DHA), Tuition Protection Service and other regulatory bodies or to a court of Law. Personal information may
also be disclosed to relevant bodies for the verification of your previous qualifications.
How did you first learn about FIC? You may tick more than one box.
Agent recommendation
Recommended by a friend/relative
□ Place offered □ Application declined □ Further information requested
Reason for declining application or details of further
information requested
International College is the Registered Business Name of
Masters in Training Pty Ltd
CRICOS Code: 03453B RTO No. 70250
Head Office: Level 6, 271 William Street,
Melbourne, Victoria Australia 3000
Phone: +61 3 9005 1951
www.flinderscollege.edu.au V5 19
I acknowledge that my Education agent has provided me with full information on FIC, the courses applied for, student visa information and information
on living and studying in Melbourne. (If enrolled through an Education agent)
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information in FIC’s Student handbook, website, marketing material before making the
decision to submit this enrolment application.
I understand that by signing this enrolment form, I may be sent a Formal Letter/s of Offer/Written Agreement Contract from Flinders
International College (FIC), if all of the admission requirements are met.
I authorise FIC to contact me SMS, Email or Phone number.
I authorise FIC to verify any information provided in this form.
I give FIC permission to obtain official records/ confirm detail from a previous educational institution attended by me listed on this form.
I am aware off and agree to abide by visa conditions throughout my enrolment period in Australia.
I understand my enrolment fee ($350) payable with the lodgement of this form is not refundable in all circumstance.
• I grant FIC permission to source a Unique Student Identifier from NCVER, on my behalf (students who do not currently possess a USI only.)
I acknowledge that I have been provided the opportunity to clarify any item relating to my enrolment at FIC prior to submitting this enrolment form.
I declare that the information provided by me in this application true, correct and complete at this time.
I acknowledge that providing false. Misleading or inaccurate information may affect the acceptance of this application and/or the continued provision
of training and assessment service.