Student ID Number
Informa on Technology at Western Connec cut State University will provide an informa on technology
environment that delivers a seamless learning atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff. The University
will be a leader in using technology to enhance teaching and learning to meet the educa
onal needs of a
diversified student body, faculty, and staff. IT&I supports the University's mission of empowering
students, assuring effec
ve teaching, strengthening partnerships with people and ins tu ons while
ng con nuous improvement, and intellectual integrity.
Please check off the source which corresponds to your referral to this posi on.
Financial Aid Office
WCSU Website
On-Campus Sign
Other. Please specify:
Employee Walk-In
I cer fy that answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, as the informa on
provided in this document will be used as a basis for arriving at an employment decision. I understand that this
on is not intended to be a contract of employment. In the event of employment, I understand that false or
misleading informa
on given on my applica on or interview may result in termina on.
Applicant Signature Date
A Computer Center Assistant provides support in computer accounts and basic computer and program use to
students, faculty, and staff in the computer centers, as well as monitor and maintain the centers, 24-hour labs, and
technology classrooms on campus. A CCA also informs students of available technology resources at WestConn.
A Training Specialist provid
outlined above. Training Specialists may be asked to author new training materials, and hold workshops and one-on-
one tutorials. Hours are mostly on Midtown campus in the Student Technology Training Center SC 225 (STTC).
A ResNet Support Specialist
A Classroom Technology Assistant provides support for the technology in all WCSU classrooms. CTA’s do not have
include cleaning, checking, and maintaining the classroom technology on a weekly basis.
Applica ons received will be kept on file for one semester.
ons are filled on an as-needed basis.