2. My reason(s) for making this request (be specific): ___________________________________________________________________
Attach additional pages if necessary. Consult student handbook for additional information.
Meet with the instructor and attempt to resolve the issue. If appeal for grade change is approved, submit the Grade Change Form
through regular channels Request Approved
☐ Request Denied ☐
Instructor Signature and Date: _________________________________________________________________________________
Meet with the department chair on the same campus. If appeal for grade change is approved, submit the Grade Change Form
through regular channels. Request Approved
☐ Request Denied ☐
Department Chair/Program Manager Signature and Date: ___________________________________________________________
For all appeals that cannot be resolved at the instructor or department chair level, submit this Student Appeal Form, with full
documentation attached, to the Campus Associate Provost or Dean for review. Request Approved
☐ Request Denied ☐
Campus Associate Provost/Dean Signature and Date: ________________________________________________________________
RESOLUTION: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Eastern Florida State College is dedicated to providing a nondiscriminatory environment which promotes equal access, equal educational opportunity
and equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, race, national origin, color, ethnicity, genetics, religion, sex, gender preference,
pregnancy, disabilities, marital status, veteran status, ancestry or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment.
Inquiries regarding the College’s nondiscrimination
policies may be directed to:
s. Darla Ferguson, Chief Equity and Diversity Officer
Cocoa Campus, Building 2, Room 103
1519 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, FL 32922
Phone: 321-433-7080 E-mail: fergusond@easternflorida.edu
Lt. Mark Renkens, Security & Title IX Compliance Coordinator
Melbourne Campus, Bldg. 10, Rm. 215
3865 North Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32935
Phone: 321-433-7180 Fax: 321-433-5026
Inquiries regarding veterans’ programs may be directed to:
Military & Veterans Service Center
Student Services
Center/Administration Building 1, Room
140 3865 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32935
Phone 321-433-7880
Military & Veterans Service Center
Ralph M. Williams Student Center, Building 11, Room 113
1519 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, FL 32922
Phone: 321-433-7880
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