Revised November 2019
Individualized Instruction is a part of Wesleyan’s academic program, directed by the Office of Academic Services.
All individualized instruction is an agreement, a “contract” between student, faculty member and in the case of
internships, a site supervisor, to complete specified learning and work tasks for academic credit. This contract
establishes learning outcomes, a plan to accomplish those outcomes and the method of evaluation by which the
sponsoring faculty member evaluates those outcomes.
An INTERNSHIP is an individualized learning experience which allows students to apply what they have learned in a
setting outside the classroom. Internships are conducted in a professional or work setting, an “on the job” training
situation. They vary in hours of credit and may be paid or unpaid.
The advantages of internships include gaining pre-professional experience and job contacts, creating a personalized
academic program, taking the initiative for one’s own education, encouraging innovative teaching and learning,
developing behavior patterns necessary for success in the work world, and linking practical knowledge with the goals of
a liberal education.
1. The student must have sophomore standing.
2. A minimum GPA of 2.5
3. Internships must justify academic credit. An internship must be a learning alternative to the classroom, not just
4. Retroactive credit is not possible, and will not be applied.
5. The completed Application for Internships should be submitted to the Academic Services Office prior to
registration for the semester in which it is to occur but absolutely no later than the last day of add/drop. Late
submissions will require written justification and approval of the Admission and Academic Standing Council.
6. Any internship site that requires an Affiliation/Articulation Agreement must be submitted to the Registrar’s
Office/Academic Services two weeks prior to registration of classes. This document will be reviewed by the
Academic Services Registrar and the Experiential Learning Coordinator before any agreement is approved or an
agreement is made.
7. All individualized instruction experiences shall be for at least one credit, and no single internship may exceed six
(6) credit hours without the approval of the Dean of the Faculty.
8. No more than 15 hours of Individualized Instruction (internships, directed study, and independent study) shall
be applied toward graduation.
9. Internships must be in the student’s major or minor, with the exception of one three-hour exploratory
internship which may be taken outside the student’s major or minor.
10. Volunteer/community service that satisfies requirements for scholarship funds cannot be considered
individualized instruction or internships.
11. Any internship of four or more academic credits requires a more intensive research structure or significant
project included in the learning contract’s evaluation methods.
13. Waiver of any of the above requirements is under the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty.
1. Communicate with the faculty sponsor to discuss the possibility of an internship.
2. Communicate with the site supervisor to discuss the specifics of the internship.
Revised November 2019
3. Draft a preliminary proposal of the internship, establishing clear learning outcomes and methods of evaluating
those outcomes.
4. With the help of the faculty sponsor, complete the plan of study. The form must be typed or word-processed and
free from spelling and grammatical errors.
5. Secure all necessary signatures. Forms without appropriate signatures will not be accepted by the Registrar’s
Office/Academic Services or the Experiential Learning Coordinator. It is the responsibility of the student. Plan
accordingly with application submission deadlines.
6. Enroll in the appropriate number of hours for the internship under INDP 201.
7. Submit the forms to the Experiential Learning Coordinator and Academic Services. It will be reviewed by the
Academic Services Registrar; it may be returned for revision or approved as submitted.
8. Copies of the approved form will be provided to the student, faculty sponsor, experiential learning coordinator,
and the site supervisor. The original will be filed in the Registrar’s Office/Academic Services.
Faculty sponsors may include a section in their course syllabi with site-specific responsibilities or outcomes and a space
for the site supervisor’s signature of approval. The syllabi must indicate an appropriate course catalog number in
tandem with the internship application form. A general internship position description from the site must be submitted
with a syllabus. If the faculty sponsor chooses not to utilize a syllabus, a student must provide a contract as described
below. Note, this document does not have to be written in the format of scholarly learning outcomes, so long as it is
cohesive, organized, and clear. A template of this contract may be found at the end of this packet and the explanation of
sections is given here.
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes give direction to the course or study. They should be precisely stated and reasonable in number,
with a minimum of four. They may include cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudinal, emotional or valuing behaviors)
and psychomotor (physical) skills.
These outcomes should state unambiguously what the student intends to accomplish. They should identify the
competency or skills expected at the completion of the course or internship. Outcomes are commonly phrased as “to
describe, or explain, to solve, to construct, to define, to classify, to compose, to design, to identify, to analyze, to
discover.” “To learn” or “to understand” is not an objective, but the means to achieve it.
Incorrect - - to learn about graphic design in a professional business setting.
Correct - - To be able to develop professional graphic design projects for a business client.
Incorrect - - to know how to write a grant proposal.
Correct - - To be able to utilize technical terminology and gather statistics and facts that are necessary for the
appropriate completion and submission of a grant proposal.
Learning Methods and Materials
These should be consistent with the outcomes. They may be texts, equipment, periodicals, software, manuals, travel,
reading lists, research guides, projects, or trips to laboratories or libraries.
Evaluation Methods
Revised November 2019
The student and faculty sponsor and site supervisor must have a clear understanding of how each completed objective
will be evaluated and a grade determined. Exams, essays, research papers, reports, self-studies, demonstrations,
presentations, job diaries, software or computer programs, creative projects and other methods can be used to
document the learning accomplished. Significant projects are required for any 4+ credit internships.
Academic credit will depend on the learning experience as compared to a typical college class. More credit requires
more work, more evaluation.
In the case of an internship, the rule of thumb is one hour of internship = 35-40 hours of participation or work “on the
job.” The maximum number of credits for one internship is six.
Credit is, however, never for time spent, but for goals achieved.
We hope your contract or internship experience is a gratifying one!
The Student will:
Achieve all learning outcomes to the best of his/her ability.
Notify the Academic Services Registrar of the need to terminate/change the contract.
Maintain standards of professional excellence: promptness, initiative, dependability.
Complete and return all forms and assignments due the faculty sponsor, the site supervisor, and experiential
learning coordinator.
Provide a record of hours completed with the faculty sponsor. Failure to provide time record and other
supplemental assignments could result in a failing grade.
Contact the experiential learning coordinator in the Student Success Center ( or Academic
Services ( if there is an issue or concern that arises during the internship experience.
The Faculty Sponsor will:
Review the student’s proposal, and in consultation with the student, establish learning outcomes and methods
of evaluations.
Maintain contact with the experiential learning coordinator, and consider the site supervisor’s written
evaluation in determining a final grade.
Internships of six hours require that the faculty sponsor check on the student’s progress at least bi-weekly
during the internship. This may be through the student, experiential learning coordinator, and/or site
Make a final evaluation of the student’s performance and submit this grade to the Registrar upon review of the
site supervisor’s evaluation.
The Site Supervisor will:
Assist in preparation of the internship by clarifying the duties of the position and the qualifications required and
orient the student to company or agency policy and methods of operation.
Assume direction of the student while she/he is on the internship, providing supervision in performance of the
tasks described in the agreement.
Provide post-internship evaluation for the student, experiential learning coordinator, and the faculty sponsor.
Refer to the approval memo and contact the experiential learning coordinator in the Student Success Center
( or Academic Services ( if there is an issue or concern that arises during
the internship experience.
The Office of Academic Services will:
Keep all records related to the student’s internship.
Revised November 2019
Provide assistance in solving problems related to the successful completion of the course of study or internship.
Clarify the relationship between classroom and individualized learning and assist the student in creating a
meaningful internship.
The Experiential Learning Coordinator will:
Act as a liaison between WV Wesleyan, student, faculty, site supervisor/employing agency.
Provide assistance in solving problems related to the successful completion of the course of study or internship.
Be accessible to the faculty sponsor and student regarding the progress, performance, and overall evaluation of
the internship.
Provide a mechanism of communication with the site, should any issue or concern arise during the internship.
The College:
West Virginia Wesleyan College is committed to providing an environment that is free from all forms of
discrimination on the basis of sex/gender and offers many resources to students, faculty, and staff to address
concerns and promote a campus culture of respect. We extend this support to students completing internship
experiences beyond campus. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator ( or a responsible
employee of the College, such as Academic Services or Student Success Center staff, should a concern arise
during an internship.
Revised November 2019
DATA SHEET – Individualized Instruction and Internships
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Date _______________
Title of Internship __________________________________________________________________________________
Contract Period From: ____________________________ To: ____________________________ Year: _______________
(Month Date) (Month Date)
Student Name: _________________________________________________________________ Student #: __________
Number of Cumulative Hours Earned: _______________ Major(s): ___________________________________________
Minor(s): __________________________________________________
College Address ___________________________________________ Box # __________ Phone ____________________
Mailing Address During Internship Period (if not above):
__________________________________________ Email: ____________________________
Name of Company or Agency: __________________________________________________________________
Address of Company or Agency: ____________________________________________________________________
Site Supervisor: ______________________________________ Phone _______________ Email ____________________
Faculty Sponsor: ____________________________________ Box # _______________ Email ____________________
Credits to be Earned _______________ Indicate Level Undergraduate Graduate
If this is a directed study (catalog course), give code and # _________________________.
Note: Failure to indicate appropriate course number may result in credit not aligning with preferred course. Consult with faculty sponsor to ensure
correct code.
If this is an independent study, indicate level of course (100, 200, 300, etc.) ______________.
I wish these hours of Independent Study/Directed Study/Internship to be applied to my academic record as credits in:
Major: __________ Minor: __________ Exploratory: __________ (outside major/minor--three hour limit)
SIGNATURES: (Note, all signatories must review internship contract prior to granting approval.)
Student: __________________________________________________________________________Date: ___________
Faculty Sponsor: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________
Site Supervisor: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________
School Director: ____________________________________________________________________Date: ___________
Experiential Learning Coordinator (undergrads only): ______________________________________Date: ___________
Academic Services Registrar: ________________________________________________________ Date: ___________
(Undergraduates, please submit this complete form to the Experiential Learning Coordinator in the Student Success Center. It will be submitted to
Academic Services for final approval after that time.)
Revised November 2019
Learning Outcomes (minimum of 4, please attach any additional outcomes):
1) ____________________________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Learning Materials and Methods:
Evaluation Methods:
Include initials from the site supervisor and faculty sponsor on the learning contract to indicate it was
reviewed by each.