D. Institutional includes schools and other publicly owned projects, except linear projects. Site Preparation
includes clearing, grubbing, and grading only; no new impervious areas should be proposed if this activity type
is checked.
IV. Waterbody Information
A. The nearest receiving waterbody is the nearest waters of the State to which the site’s stormwater will discharge.
If this waterbody is unnamed, then provide a description that references the nearest, named waterbody (e.g.,
tributary to Grove Creek). If the site’s stormwater discharges to multiple waterbodies, then list all such
waterbodies and attach additional sheets, if necessary.
B. Complete the “On the Site?” column for items a-c. If yes is selected for that column, then the next 3 columns
must be completed. If there are other waters of the U.S./ State (WoS) on the site not listed in items a and b (e.g.,
stream, river, lake, pond), then list those in item c. Delineation means identification by U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACOE) or wetlands consultant. If there are WoS within 100’ of the disturbed area that were not
delineated/identified, then explain this in the narrative; this includes WoS that are not on the project site but are
within 100’ of the disturbed area. If construction activities will occur in and/ or will impact WoS, then select
yes for “Impacts?” and list the amount of impacts to WoS. Provide an additional, separate plan sheet that shows
all WoS on the site and the impacted areas. If there are proposed impacts to WoS, please contact USACOE
(866-329-8187) and S.C. DHEC Water Quality Certification, Standards & Wetlands Programs Section (803-
898-4300) to determine additional requirements before submitting this NOI. In the SCCZ, also contact S.C.
DHEC Page 7 OCRM Wetlands Section (843-953-0200). Please note that it is the Project Owner/ Operator’s
responsibility to ensure that all WoS are shown and identified in the SWPPP. USACOE is U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. If there are impacts to waters of the U.S./ State (should be listed in item IV.B), then list all permits
and certifications that have been applied for or obtained for those impacts. Describe the activity(s), whether the
impact is permanent or temporary, and any other relevant information. Provide a copy of all permits and
certifications for and correspondence with USACOE and DHEC for the impacts. Make sure to include all plats
referenced in the permits or correspondence.
C1. If there are flooding problems, the extent of the flooding problems and the effect of this project on those
problems must be explained in the Project Narrative.
C2. If the site falls within a designated flood plain, list the zone and FIRM number.
C3. Maps showing WQMS locations are available at the following website for each watershed:
. List the nearest DHEC
WQMS(s) and corresponding waterbody(ies).
3.1 See the following website for the most current 303(d) List for Impaired Waters and related information:
. To search this document
to determine whether a WQMS is listed, select “Edit” from the top toolbar. Then, select “Find”. Enter the
WQMS exactly as listed on the map and hit enter. If none of the WQMS(s) are found, then select no for item
3.1 and proceed to item 3.2. If any of the WQMS(s) are found within the document, then select yes and proceed
to item 3.1.a.
a. List the cause(s) of the impairment (see last column labeled “CAUSE”) for the WQMS(s) and proceed to item
b. DHEC has determined that construction SW discharges are expected to contain pollutants causing the following
impairments: TURBIDITY, BIO (Macroinvertebrate), TP (Total Phosphorus), and TN (Total Nitrogen). You
should carefully evaluate whether the site’s constructions SW discharges will contain any pollutants causing
other impairments, not explicitly listed above. You should also consider previous land uses at the site in
answering this question. For example, if the previous land use was a copper processing facility and the
impairment at the nearest WQMS is copper, then you should carefully evaluate whether the site’s construction
SW discharges would contain copper. If this question is answered yes and the disturbed area is less than 25
acres, then provide an evaluation of the site’s proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs) as described in
section 3.2.12.B of the CGP. If this question is answered yes and the disturbed area is greater than or equal to
25 acres, then provide a written qualitative and quantitative assessment of the site’s proposed BMPs as
described in section 3.2.12.B.II of the CGP. See item 20 on the checklist.
c. If the answer to this question is no, then the site is not eligible for coverage under the CGP.
3.2 See the following website for a list of all WQMS with Approved S.C. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs):
. To search this
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Revised April 2015