f. Real Estate
List the location of all real estate within Broome County or within five (5) miles thereof, in which you, your spouse, and/or dependent children
have an interest for investment purposes, regardless of value.
Note: Do not include personal residence and vacation homes.
Name and Address of Business
Description of Investment
g. Other Income
Identify the source and nature of any other income in excess of $1,000 per year from any source not described above, including teaching
income, lecture fees, consultant fees, contractual income, or other income of any nature, for you, your spouse and/or dependent children.
Note: Exclude income from a trust or estate created by a relative for your benefit, or that of a spouse/dependent child.
Note: If you, your spouse and/or dependent children are not employees of Broome County, you need not list the “Category of Amount” with
regard to outside employment.
Name and Address of Income Source
List the source of all gifts totaling in excess of $250.00 from any one donor received during the last year by you, your spouse or dependent children.
Note: Do not include gifts from a relative. (The term “gifts” includes gifts of cash, property, personal items, travel, entertainment, payments to third
parties on your behalf, forgiveness of debt, honorariums, and other payments that are not reportable as income.)
Name and Address of Donor