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IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR ___________________________ COUNTY /F2 15.570800 TfñÈñ ?À? ?ÈñÈñ€?à?`?Èñ`?à?à? ?Èñ`?à?ÈñÀ?`?@?ÈñÈñ€??ÈñÈñÈñ`?Èñ
____________________________________, )
____________________________________, )
____________________________________, )
____________________________________, )
COMES NOW, ___________________________________________, the Petitioner
herein, and alleges and states as follows:
1. That he/she hereby petitions the Court for the appointment of herself as general
guardian for the person and estate of
(names of children)
2. That Petitioner is a resident of ________________________ County, Oklahoma
and is otherwise qualified to act as guardian under the laws of the State of
Oklahoma in that the Petitioner is not an incapacitated or partially incapacitated
person; a convicted felon; bankrupt; insolvent; under any financial obligation to
the ward ; nor subject to a conflict of interest which would preclude or be
detrimental to his/her ability to act in the best interest of the ward
3. That Petitioner is the __________________________ of the above named minor
(state relationship here)
Child(ren) and that he/she and the children have a significant emotional relationship.
4. That _______________________________________ was born in ____________
(name of child)
County, ________________________________ to
(state of child’s birth)
__________________________________ and
(name of mother)
___________________________________ on the ______ day of
(name of father)
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_____________________, 20__, and currently resides with
_________________________________ in ________________________
County, Oklahoma.
Repeat for as many children as you are including in the guardianship:
That _______________________________________ was born in ____________
(name of child)
County, ________________________________ to
(state of child’s birth)
__________________________________ and
(name of mother)
___________________________________ on the ______ day of
(name of father)
_____________________, 20__, and currently resides with
_________________________________ in ________________________
County, Oklahoma.
That _______________________________________ was born in ____________
(name of child)
County, ________________________________ to
(state of child’s birth)
__________________________________ and
(name of mother)
___________________________________ on the ______ day of
(name of father)
_____________________, 20__, and currently resides with
_________________________________ in ________________________
County, Oklahoma.
That _______________________________________ was born in ____________
(name of child)
County, ________________________________ to
(state of child’s birth)
__________________________________ and
(name of mother)
___________________________________ on the ______ day of
(name of father)
_____________________, 20__, and currently resides with
_________________________________ in ________________________
County, Oklahoma.
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5. That this Court has jurisdiction to determine custody of the above-named minor
child(ren) pursuant to Title 43 O.S. Sec. 501 et seq., in that this state is the "home
state" of the minor children as set forth in the Affidavit attached hereto.
6. That so far as is known to the Petitioner, the prospective ward not represented
by counsel, nor the prospective ward married; and that the prospective ward
own an estate of only minimal value; and the Petitioner is a blood relative of the
prospective ward and therefore no bond should be required.
7. That it is necessary and in the best interest of said child that Petitioner be appointed
Guardian for the following reasons:
a. The biological mother, ___________________________________ is presently
not capable of providing appropriate care, custody and control of said child(ren),
for the following reasons, inter alia, to wit:
b. The biological father, ____________________________________, is presently
not capable of providing appropriate care, custody and control of said child(ren),
for the following reasons, inter alia, to wit:
s are
are s s
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8. That the prospective guardian has prepared a plan for the care and treatment of the
prospective ward(s) and their estates and the said plan will be filed herein.
9. That it is the fear of Petitioner that if this Court does not take action regarding the
physical placement of the minor child(ren) that the child(ren)’s health, safety, and well-
being are in danger.
WHEREFORE, your Petitioner prays that she be appointed special guardian of the person
and estate of the minor children, without delay, for the purpose of providing for the care, well-
being, and educational needs of the minor children, while protecting the health and safety of the
minor children. Petitioner further prays that he/she be appointed general guardian of the person
and estate of the minor children upon Petitioner making application for hearing of general
guardianship with this Court and upon the statutory requirements for notice of such hearing
being given according to law.
Respectfully submitted:
Signature of Petitioner
Use additional paper if necessary. If the children do not have the same biological parents, use
additional paper to describe why each parent is unfit.
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) SS
______________________________________, of lawful age and being duly sworn, says:
That he/she is the Petitioner in the above-entitled cause of action; that he/she has read the
foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts therein set forth are true and
Signature of Petitioner
Subscribed and sworn before me this ______ day of _________________ 20_____.
Notary Public
Commission Number:
My Commission Expires: