NDLSHC [Page 2 of 2] Notice of Motion Civil Action/Rev. Mar 2019
Paragraph 1: Notice of Oral Arguments OR Notice of Decision on Briefs
Motions may be decided entirely on the documents submitted by the parties. A party can make
a timely request for an oral argument or an evidentiary hearing on the motion.
If the moving party scheduled oral arguments on the motion, put a checkmark () on
the line next to the first paragraph. Fill in the oral argument time and date information.
The party requesting oral arguments on a motion must schedule a time for the oral
arguments by contacting the clerk of court where the civil action is filed.
If the moving party requests that the court decide the motion on briefs, put a
checkmark () on the line next to the second paragraph.
If the moving party requests a decision on briefs, the opposing party can still request an
oral argument or an evidentiary hearing on the motion.
Sign and Date the Notice of Motion:
The party making the motion must sign and date the Notice of Motion.
Serve and File the Notice of Motion, Motion, Brief in Support of Motion, Affidavit(s) in
Support of Motion, and any Other Supporting Documents:
A copy of the Notice of Motion must be served on all other parties. A copy of the
motion, brief in support of motion, affidavit(s) in support of motion, and any other
supporting documents must be served with the Notice of Motion.
The Service link on the ND Legal Self Help Center website has information about service
after a civil action has been started.
The original Notice of Motion must be filed with the clerk of court where the existing
case is filed. The original motion, brief in support of motion, affidavit(s) in support of
motion, any other supporting documents, and proof of service must be filed with the
Notice of Motion.
The “Filing Documents with the District Court” Section of the Guide to a Civil Action on
the ND Legal Self Help Center website has additional information and resources.
Do not include these instruction sheets when you serve or file the completed form.
***The North Dakota Legal Self Help Center provides resources to people who represent themselves in civil matters in the North
Dakota state courts. The information provided by the Center is not intended for legal advice but only a general guide to the civil
court process. The Center is not responsible for any consequences that may result from the information provided. The
information cannot replace the advice of competent legal counsel licensed in the state. Use at your own risk.***