7. What is the organization’s tax-exempt status? 501(c)_______ Status Pending Not Tax-Exempt
If the organization’s tax-exempt status is pending, identify the date the organization submitted Form 1023
to the Internal Revenue Service: __________________________________
8. Does the organization use a fiscal agent? Yes No
If yes, identify fiscal agent’s name, address, and Federal EIN:____________________________________
9. Address of principal office in Minnesota, or, if none, the name and address of the person who has custody
of books and records:
Contact Person Phone Number Email Address
Street Address City, State, and Zip Code
10. Explain in detail the organization’s charitable purpose(s) (attach explanation if more space is needed):
11. What methods of solicitation does the organization anticipate using? Check all that apply.
Telemarketing Publication/Magazine Show/Concert/Event
Direct Mail Email Discount Coupons
Door-to-Door Solicitation Website Radio
Thrift Store Social Media Vehicle Donations
Other (describe): ________________________________________________
12. Total amount of contributions the organization anticipates receiving from Minnesota donors: $_________
13. Has the organization been denied the right to solicit contributions by any court or government agency?
Yes No If yes, attach explanation.
14. Does the organization use the services of a professional fundraiser (outside solicitor or consultant) to
solicit contributions in Minnesota? Yes No
If yes, provide the following information for each (attach list if more space is needed):
Name of Professional Fundraiser Compensation
Street Address City, State, and Zip Code