450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 5 | Hartford, CT 06103-1843 | Phone: 860-500-2300
An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Lender
NOTE to preliminary application “Attachment A” (Idleness Waiver Memorandum)
In the Connecticut General Statutes, “abandoned,” “underutilized,” and “vacant” appear as follows:
“Sec. 32-70. Enterprise zones. Designation. Expansion. ...include in such zone any
property …that is or was formerly used for manufacturing purposes but is underutilized or
vacant at the time the property is included in such zone….”
➔ Applies to EZ: Bridgeport, Bristol, East Hartford, Groton, Hamden, Hartford, Meriden,
Middletown, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Norwalk, Norwich, Southington,
Stamford, Thomaston, Waterbury, Windham.
“Sec. 32-75a. Railroad depot zones. Regulations. A municipality which has an enterprise
zone designated under section 32-70 and an abandoned or underutilized railroad depot
which is located outside of the enterprise zone may,…”
➔ Applies to RDZ: East Hartford, Hamden, and Norwich.
“Sec. 32-75c. Designation of properties as manufacturing plants. Qualified
manufacturing plants. Regulations. …(3) includes at least one hundred acres of land that
is vacant and zoned for commercial, industrial or other economic base activity….”
➔ Applies to DPZ, MPZ, QMP: Bristol, New Britain.
The Attachment A “idleness waiver” for abandoned, underutilized, or vacant properties is optional
and does not apply to the following preliminary applications (pre-apps):
ADZ (Bradley, Groton-New London, Waterbury-Oxford), BCZ, CMZ, ECZ, ED, UJ.
Current DECD-approved zones and DECD abbreviations