HOA SUPPLEMENT - 01/2021 page 1 of 2
PURPOSE: Under Section 35-20-5 of the Code of Alabama 1975 this supplemental information (in addition to the Title
10A, Chapter 3 Certificate of Formation information) and the appropriate filing fees must be filed with the Office of the
Alabama Secretary of State.
NSTRUCTIONS: Mail a signed copy of this completed form and the filing fee of $50.00 (credit card, check, or money
order) to the Secretary of State, Business Services, P.O. Box 5616, Montgomery, Alabama, 36103-5616. If you are
would like an acknowledgement include a copy and postage paid self-addressed envelope. The Supplement will not be
registered if the credit card does not authorize and will be removed from the index if the check is dishonored ($30.00 fee).
his form must be typed
1. T
he name of the HOA from the Certificate of Formation:
2. The date the Certificate of Formation was filed in the county: / / (format MM/DD/YYYY)
1. Alabama Entity ID Number (Format: 000-000): - TO OBTAIN ID NUMBER Go to our
website at click on Business Services (below picture), click on Business Entity and Name
Search, click on Entity Name, enter the name of the entity in the appropriate box, and enter. Click on the number and
verify that this is the correct entity. This step is strongly recommended.
2. T
he following items must be attached if they exist and were not included with the Certificate of Formation filed
ated above. You must check one of each of the three (3) sets of statements and attach documentation if such
documentation exists outside of the recorded Certificate of Formation:
his form was prepared by: (type name and full address)
Articles of Incorporation other than the Certificate of Formation noted above are attached, or
No Articles of Incorporation other than the Certificate of Formation noted above exist.
Bylaws, resolutions, or other governing documents of the association are attached, or
No bylaws, resolutions, or other governing documents other than those included with the Certificate of Formation
noted above exist.
The original covenants, conditions, or restrictions adopted by the association are attached, or
No original covenants, conditions, or restrictions adopted by the association other than those included with the
Certificate of Formation noted above exist.
(For SOS Use Only)