DEFAULT. If the Tenant fails to comply with any of the financial or material provisions of this
Agreement, or of any present rules and regulations or any that may be hereafter prescribed by the
Landlord, or materially fails to comply with any duties imposed on the Tenant by statute or State
laws, within the time period after delivery of written notice by the Landlord specifying the non-
compliance and indicating the intention of the Landlord to terminate the Agreement by reason
thereof, the Landlord may terminate this Agreement. If the Tenant fails to pay rent when due and
the default continues for the time-period specified in the written notice thereafter, the Landlord
may, at their option, declare the entire balance (compiling all months applicable to this Agreement)
of rent payable hereunder to be immediately due and payable and may exercise any and all rights
and remedies available to the Landlord at law or in equity and may immediately terminate this
The Tenant will be in default if: (a) the Tenant does not pay rent or other amounts that are owed;
(b) the Tenant, their guests, or the Occupant(s) violate this Agreement, rules, or fire, safety, health,
or criminal laws, regardless of whether arrest or conviction occurs; (c) the Tenant abandons the
Premises; (d) the Tenant gives incorrect or false information in the rental application; (e) the
Tenant, or any Occupant(s) is arrested, convicted, or given deferred adjudication for a criminal
offense involving actual or potential physical harm to a person, or involving possession,
manufacture, or delivery of a controlled substance, marijuana, or drug paraphernalia under state
statute; (f) any illegal drugs or paraphernalia are found in the Premises or on the person of the
Tenant, guests, or Occupant(s) while on the Premises and/or; (g) as otherwise allowed by law.
ABANDONMENT. Abandonment shall have occurred if, without notifying the Landlord, the Tenant
is absent from the Premises for the State mandated minimum time-period, or seven (7) days,
whichever length of time is less. In the event of Abandonment, the Landlord will have the right to
immediately terminate the Agreement and remove the Tenant’s personal possessions.
COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. The Tenant agrees that during the Lease Term, that they shall promptly
comply with any present and future laws, ordinances, orders, rules, regulation, and requirements of
the Federal, State, County, City and Municipal government or any of their departments, bureaus,
boards, commissions and officials thereof with respect to the premises, or the use or occupancy
thereof, whether said compliance shall be ordered or directed to or against the Tenant, the
Landlord, or both.