abstracts, and title insurance; all of which will be prepared and/or furnished for resale to the
subscriber’s customers.
C. Rights and Data.
Except for the license granted herein, all rights, title, and interest in data, and all languages,
formats, and media throughout the world, including all copyrights therein, is and shall continue to be
the exclusive property of the County.
D. County Charges.
Charges payable by the Subscriber for access to and use of the County’s data-bases described
in this Agreement are set forth in Schedule A. The County’s charges for this service may be modified
upon thirty (30) days’ notice to the Subscriber in writing or on-line.
E. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
The County’s goods and services provided pursuant to this Agreement are provided “as is”
without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to, the warranties of
performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Subscriber’s exclusive remedy and
the County’s entire liability hereunder, if any, for any claim(s) for damages relating to the County’s
databases or data which are made against them, individually, or jointly, whether based in contract or
negligence, shall be limited to the amount of database access charges paid by the Subscriber relative
to the period of occurrence of the events which are the basis of the claim(s); provided, however, that
the County shall have no liability whatsoever to the Subscriber for any claim(s) relating in any way
to (1) Subscriber’s inability or failure to perform legal, professional, or other research or related work