Optional Goal Setting Brief Background Interview
The Goal Setting Brief Background Interview is on page 15 of this
document. If you do not know the Veteran well, or if you think it would
be helpful to review some background information in the context of
goal setting, this Goal Setting Brief Background Interview can be a
helpful tool. Following completion of the Goal Setting Brief
Background Interview, you can then move onto working with the
veteran to set goals, which is the focus of the next 3 sections of this
Individual Session packet.
Discussing and Recording Goals
The goal for the SST group that the Veteran decides to set as well as
the steps to achieving the goal are recorded on the Goal Setting
Sheet (pages 17-18). The Veteran does not need to set a long-term
recovery goal for the group but some clinicians find it’s helpful to work
with the Veteran to define his or her long-term goal and then to work
back to a goal for the SST group. Some Veterans will not be ready to
set a goal and/or be able to discuss the steps to achieving the goal at
the initial interview. For these Veterans, it is important to schedule a
time to follow-up with the veteran to complete the goal setting
process. In helping the Veterans set initial goals for the SST group,
be sure to do your best to have the Veteran set a goal that is truly
important to the Veteran rather than something that his or her family
wants or the VA clinicians working with him would want for him, etc.
In the following sections you will find discussion of Quality of Life
Domains, and “SMART” [i.e., Specific, Manageable, Attainable,
Relevant, Time-Bound—see following “goal setting” section for more
information] goals. In interviewing the Veteran do your best to try to
classify the goal in a quality of life domain as well as to formulate the
goal as a “SMART goal.” Be sure to fill out a Goal Setting Sheet
(page 17) when interviewing the Veteran. You do not need to read to
the Veteran the information in this packet about SMART goals or any
of the examples of SMART goals, although excerpting part of the
“Goal Setting” section below may be helpful in certain circumstances.