BELLEVUE HAUNTED FOREST at the Howard Preserve
To be used for the donation of time, materials, supplies, and/or money for the building
and operation of stations within the Bellevue Haunted Forest.
Thank you for your support!
Sponsor/Donor Name _____________________________________ Phone ___________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________________
Company Rep (if applicable) _________________________________________ Date ___________
FULL FRIGHT SPONSORSHIP(S) @ $250.00 per Station = $___________ Total
HALF SCARED SPONSORSHIP @ $150.00=$______________Total
GENERALLY SCARY: FINANCIAL DONATION of $ _________________ ($20.00 min.)
MATERIAL DONATION of _____________________________________________________
Valued at $ ________________________
Received by:
Haunted Forest Committee Member ________________________________Date______________
Providing a fun and entertaining atmosphere which increases the public
awareness of the best management practices of the Howard Preserve as
detailed in the Howard Preserve Master Plan.
PHYSICAL SPONSORSHIP Sponsor must construct, staff, and manage the Station’s set up, nightly
operations, strike down and cleanup.
BELLEVUE HAUNTED FOREST at the Howard Preserve
Sponsor/Donor Name _____________________________________ Phone ___________________
We would like to Physically Sponsor a Station. The station we will build, staff and
manage is Station Number ____________________________________________________
Station name_______________________________________________________________
We would like to Physically Sponsor a Station, however we want to create our own
Station, rather than select one from the existing list of Stations. We propose the following
Station Name:
General Description:
We would like to Financially Sponsor a Full Station at $250.00=$_____________________
Preferred Station Number and/or Name (Write “None” if you have no preference)______________
Make Checks Payable to: Building Balanced Communities (Haunted Forest in Memo line)
PO Box 489 Bellevue, ID 83313
Non-Profit EIN# 26-1200075
Providing a fun and entertaining atmosphere which increases the public
awareness of the best management practices of the Howard Preserve as
detailed in the Howard Preserve Master Plan.