Revised 03/2019
Date Received by VCFA: _______________
Received by: _______________
In accordance with PPM 49, S1509
The following documents MUST be submitted to the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and
Administration at least 10 business days prior to the event (check box to indicate items are attached):
Completed Special Meals Request Form (must include Dept. Head approvals)
Completed and Approved Paper Requisition (with budget codes; Banner requisition must be completed if request is approved)
Vendor Quote(s) (if cost is over $1,000, three quotes are required)
Vendor’s Permit to Operate from the Department of Health and Hospitals
Special Meals Sign-in Sheet that will be used for the event (must use template on college’s website)
Justification for the Expected Number of Participants (data from prior events, RSVPs, advertising specs, etc.)
Requestor: ____________________________________ Department: _______________________________________
Event Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Event Date: _____________ Event Location: _________________________________ Event Time: _____________
Food Vendor/Caterer: ______________________________________________________________________________
Department/Program Funding Event: _________________________________________________________________
Explain how Providing a Meal at this Event is in the Best Interest of the College: _____________________________
Meals Requested: Breakfast ($9/person) Lunch ($13/person) Dinner ($29/person) Refreshments ($4.50 /person)
Expected Number of Event Participants: ________________ (justification for this estimate must be attached)
Total Estimated Cost per Person (per rates above) $ __________ Total Estimated Cost of Meal $ ________________
The meal cost per person cannot exceed the PPM49 Tier I meal rates shown above, which includes delivery fees and tips
(cost must exclude taxes). Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Special Meals Sign-in Sheet: The original completed and signed Special Meals Sign-in Sheet and vendor invoice
must be submitted to Accounts Payable no later than 5 days after the event for vendor payment processing (a copy
of these documents must also be emailed to AccountsPayable@mybrcc.edu).
** If food is obtained without the required VCFA approval and an approved PO prior to the event, the Requestor will be
responsible for the special meals cost. **
Requestor _______________________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Dept. Head Approval ______________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Dept. Head’s Supervisor’s Approval __________________________________________ Date ___________________
Approved Disapproved VC for Finance & Admin. __________________________________ Date ____________
The Assistant to the VC for Finance & Administration will notify the Requester once a decision is made.