The COVID-19 Student Impact Fund will be awarded to students who have been signicantly impacted by
the COVID-19 pandemic. The awards will be determined on a case by case basis until otherwise noted by
the Executive Director of the Foundation at South Suburban College. The awards cover educational costs,
such as outstanding College debt, tuition, fees, books, and technical assistance such as a laptop. Awards
may also be issued to pay bills for students with special circumstances.
1. Preference will be given to students with outstanding College debt from the Fall 2019 or Spring 2020 Semester.
2. Recipients must demonstrate a need such as outstanding College debt, absence of nancial aid, or nancial
concerns due to unemployment.
3. Must be enrolled in a Spring 2020, Summer 2020 or Fall 2020 course.
ApplicAtion procEss:
1. Students shall initiate contact with the SSC Foundation to demonstrate need and grant permission for student
and nancial records to be reviewed.
2. Student and nancial records are reviewed by Foundation staff to determine nancial and academic status.
3. The Foundation will interview each student following the nancial/academic review. The student has the
opportunity to give further details including evidence of COVID-19 impact and academic and monetary needs.
4. The Foundation will review all circumstances to formulate each decision and will contact the student via
telephone within 72 hours (excluding weekends) to inform the student of assistance.
5. All applications that are not selected for assistance are re-examined by the Executive Director prior to
informing the student. All decisions are nal and are made based on this criteria established by the Foundation
Scholarship Committee.
DisbursEmEnts & rEcorDs
• A maximum award of $600 will be granted to students demonstrating nancial need.
• Disbursements are made by the Foundation Ofce which manages the COVID-19 Student Impact Fund.
• Student records and disbursement histories are kept on le in the Foundation Ofce.
Student Name: ________________________________________________ ID#: _________________________
Signature (I accept the above conditions): ______________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________Email: _________________________
Brief Statement of Financial Need: _____________________________________________________________
COVID-19 StuDent ImpaCt FunD
SOuth Suburban COllege FOunDatIOn
15800 South State Street • South Holland, IL 60473 • (708) 596-2000, ext. 2463 •
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