Student Fee Review Committee
Fee Request and Review Form
The Student Fee Request and Review Form is to be submitted each year for existing student fees or
when requesting new student fees.
Student Fees
A student fee is a fee charged to students that is in addition to any tuition and any program or course
fees. Student fees provide benefits to student such as free admittance to athletic events, theater events,
mental health counseling services, use of computer labs, etc.
Student fees are not used to supplement budget cuts, loss of grants, loss of donation; loss of
Education and General Funds (E & G) received from the legislature; capital improvements for E & G
buildings; one time fund requests; one time capital expenses, etc. Capital expenses are one-time
expenditures such as computers, phones, furniture, etc.
About the Student Fee Review Process
The Vice President for Student Affairs office will send a review/request form to all student fee receiving
departments by the last Friday of October.
The completed form is due back to the Committee by the last Friday of November. Forms can be
turned in at the Vice President for Student Affairs office in the Student Center, ST 201.
The student fee review committee typically begins meeting in January for approximately two months to
review the fee requests that were received in the fall. At the end of this period, the committee will
make a recommendation to SUU’s President’s Council. The President’s Council can accept, reject or
modify the recommendations. The Council’s recommendations are then passed on to the SUU Board of
Trustees. The Board of Trustees can accept, reject or modify the recommendations. The Board’s
recommendations are then passed on to the Utah Board of Regents. The Regents can accept, reject or
modify the recommendations. Once the final word is received from the Regents, each department who
submitted a request is notified by e-mail about the results of the fee process. Notifications to
departments can be sent out as late as May.
Student Fee Review Committee meetings are open meetings. You may attend a meeting and listen, but
may not contribute from the sidelines. If you are interested in attending a meeting, a schedule of
meetings, once determined, can be obtained from the Vice President for Student Affairs Office or from
the Committee Chair, the SUUSA Student Body President.
Please be sure to provide all information requested including an accurate head count of students who
use the services or attend the events associated with this current fee or proposed fee.
Please attach an income and expense report for last year and a current fund balance. If this request is
for a new fee, attach a proposed budget.