Student Book Rental OPT OUT Contract
Southern University at Shreveport has entered into a contract with the Follett
Book Company to provide textbooks for students enrolled in the SU College Connect
Program at a “set price” of $88.00 per course. The textbooks are a RENTAL and are
provided by the Follett Book Company; however, there are PARENTS/ LEGAL GUARDIANS
who have chosen to OPT OUT of the program on behalf of the student and assume the
responsibility of providing textbooks for their son/daughter for the 2019 fall semester.
The PARENT(s) are asked to read and sign the following contract:
I, _______________________________________________________________, am the parent or legal guardian of
________________________________________________________. His / Her SUSLA student ID number is
___________________________________. It is my understanding that Southern University at
Shreveport (SUSLA) has entered into a contract with the Follett Book Company for the SU
College Connect Program located on the SUNO campus. I have chosen to OPT OUT of the
book rental program, and I am asking that SUSLA return ALL textbooks ordered for my child.
It is now my understanding that SUSLA will remove the BOOK FEE of $88.00 per course from
my child’s account, because the opt out form is being submitted by the required deadline
date. I have also been informed of the following:
1) It is the student’s responsibility to have the parent or legal guardian complete
the Opt Out form and return the form by Thursday, September 12, 2019.
2) If the student is NOT physically able to complete the Opt Out form by Thursday,
September 12, 2019, the student’s parent can complete the form AND return it
on the student’s behalf.
3) If the opt out form is not completed and submitted by the deadline date, at the
end of the semester, the rented books are to be returned to the BOOKSTORE on
the SUNO campus. They are to be given ONLY to the Bookstore Manager. The
books are NOT to be returned to ANYONE who works within the SU College
Connect Offices.
4) When the books are returned, they are to be in GOOD condition. If they are NOT
in good condition, they cannot be returned to Follett. The students account will
then be charged the full/original cost of each damaged book.
5) It is my understanding that the SU College Connect Program has adopted a policy
that requires ALL students to have textbooks for each course.
6) By completing this form, I am the parent of ________________________________________,
and I am taking full responsibility to provide the textbooks needed for each
course that he/she is currently enrolled.
7) I understand that the SU College Connect Program will accept my child using
either hard back, paperback, or the electronic version of the textbooks.
8) I also understand that this contract is for 2019 FALL ONLY, and should I choose
to OPT OUT of the program, that a new contract is expected each semester that
this option is selected.
I am entering this contract with the Follett Book Company and SUSLA knowingly and
_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Directions to return the contract: Please bring the contract or fax the signed contract
to the COORDINATOR on the SUBR or SUNO campus by Thursday, September 12, 2019.
Mrs. Tyquencia Parker SUBR Campus
Stewart Hall Room 331
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Fax: 225 771 4954
Mrs. Simone Cochran SUNO Campus
6400 Press Drive
Emmett Bashful Administration Building Room 210
New Orleans, LA 70126
Fax: 504-286-5213