SORNA Training and Technical Assistance Request Form
Organization/Tribe Address Information
Agency Name
Job Title
Organization Address
Jurisdiction Type
ZIP Code
Please indicate the type of assistance you are interested in:
Email completed form to
The SMART Office provides assistance to states, territories and tribes working to implement the Sex Offender
Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), including onsite assistance, conference calls, webinars, peer-to-peer support
and training and community outreach events. Please note: Onsite training may require a 90-day approval process.
Contact Information
SORNA Basics
History of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 and SORNA; how to meet SORNA requirements;
needs assessment and strategic planning; new employee training; assistance with preparing a substantial
implementation package; form development, including sample documents (e.g., sex offender registration form); code,
policies and procedures development and review; offender tiering; registration process; community and leadership
education and engagement; tribal, federal, state and local relationship building, including the development of MOUs/
MOAs, intergovernmental agreements and cooperative agreements; developing information-sharing practices and
procedures, including how to submit DNA, fingerprints, palm prints and information to NCIC/NSOR; community
notification and public education
Advanced SORNA Implementation
Registration safety considerations and strategies; refresher and enhancements to SORNA basics; sex offender
absconder investigations; multidisciplinary team development, collaboration and enhancement; monitoring, evaluating
and enhancing the SORNA program; maintaining program buy-in and support through staff transitions; strategic
planning and sustainability
Technology and Software Assistance
Sex Offender Registry Tool (SORT); Tribe and Territory Sex Offender Registry System (TTSORS); SORNA
Exchange Portal; interfacing with; access to mapping and geocoding service
Please provide any additional background information.