This form must accompany purchase requisitions for the sole source procurement of good and services when
the purchase will exceed $25,000. The purpose of this sole source justification is to show that a competitive
procurement is impractical because only one product or service can meet the specific need. It is not to be
utilized to circumvent normal purchasing procedure, nor for a price-based justification. Acceptance of this
request will be at the discretion of the CFO.
I am aware that the State of West Virginia Higher Education procurement regulations require procurements to
be done competitively whenever practicable. I am requesting a sole source procurement based on the following
criteria. The following statements are complete and accurate, based on my professional judgment and
investigations. I also certify that no personal advantage, gain or privilege has (or will) accrue to my immediate
family or myself through the purchase from this vendor.
Vendor Requested (name and address):
Briefly describe the product/service requested, its function and what it will be used for:
Please select the category (or categories) that best describes your sole source requirement. Answer any/all of
the questions pertaining to that category.
It is NOT required to complete all categories below. Complete only those that are applicable.
A. Compatibility to existing equipment, research, methodology, or training:
1. With what other material must this requirement be compatible?
2. What is the approximate dollar value of the existing material?
3. What are the unique properties that make this the only product compatible with existing material or
4. Provide any other supporting information, if applicable.