Please review the Richmond Zoning Regulaons and provide all the informaon requested in this appli-
caon. Addional local permits and approvals may also be required (such as access permits, water &
sewer allocaons, E911 address assignments.) For informaon contact the Zoning Administrave Ocer
at 434-2430. Other federal, state and local permits or approvals may addionally be required, it is the
duty of the applicant to obtain all relevant and applicable approvals. To inquire about State permits con-
tact the State Permit Specialist at 802-477-2241.
Permit #
Parcel ID: _____________
Applicaon Date: ______________ Physical Address of Property: _____________________________________________________
Applicant Name: ______________________________________
Applicant Mailing Address: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Property Owner Name: _________________________________
Owner Mailing Address: ________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Brief descripon of Project: ____________________________________________________________________________________
All projects which require Condional Use approval also require Site Plan approval.
Please review Secon 5.5 and Secon 5.6 of the Richmond Zoning Regulaons. A use requiring condional use approval by the DRB
is required, at a minimum, to comply with the following general standards and specic standards:
General Standards - A proposed use shall not result in an undue adverse eect upon:
The capacity of exisng or planned community facilies;
The character of the area aected, as dened by the purpose or purposes of the zoning district in which the project is located
and with specically stated policies and standards of the Richmond Town Plan;
Trac on roads and highways in the vicinity;
Bylaws and ordinances then in eect; and,
The ulizaon of renewable energy sources.
Specic Standards - Condional uses shall comply with the following specic standards:
Obnoxious or excessive noise, smoke, vibraon, dust, glare, odors, electrical interference or heat that is detectable at the
boundaries of the lot shall not be generated.
There shall be no outside displays except those that are brought indoors at the end of the business hours and are the actual
product of the business.
Outside storage of goods, parts, supplies, vehicles machinery and other personal property shall be appropriate to the neighbor-
hood and shall not impair safety.
Applicable state permits for water supply and sewage disposal shall have been obtained, and any other applicable state per-
mits, before the use commences.
The development is proposed over a reasonable me period in order that the general and specic standards for condional
uses may be met.
In determining the appropriateness of the use in the Zoning District, the DRB shall consider the scale of the proposal in relaon
to the scale of exisng uses and structures.
No re, explosive, or safety hazard shall be permied that, in the judgment of the DRB, aer consideraon of the advice of
Richmond re ghng ocials, signicantly endangers other property owners or emergency personnel.
Applicaon created July 2017
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The development shall not result in an Undue Adverse Eect on state or community-owned and operated instuons and facilies.
Exisng water supplies and the quality of ground and surface water resources shall not be adversely aected.
The proposed Land Development shall not have an undue adverse eect on an Historic Site or rare or irreplaceable natural areas.
Proposed structures should take advantage of exisng slopes and vegetaon to provide screening for the project.
Any other standards, such as natural landscape and character of the neighborhoodstandards, as indicated for specic districts shall
also be applied.
Applicaon requirements: Please provide the following informaon as specied within Secon 5.5 and Secon 5.6 of the Richmond Zoning
Regulaons. Informaon may be presented within the form of a cover leer with associated plans and technical informaon.
Narrave descripon of the project, including how the project does or does not meet any of the general standards and specic stand-
ards listed on page 1.
Names and addresses of all abuers, including those across conguous roads or highways.
Stamped addressed envelopes for all abuers.
A site plan prepared by a registered surveyor, professional planner, engineer, architect, or landscape planner. The site plan shall be
drawn to scale, and submied with wrien supporng data, showing the following:
Exisng features: contours, structures, ulity easements, rights-of-way, deed restricons, signicant landscape features, roads
or highways, surveyed boundaries, dimensions, total lot size; and
Proposed land development: land use areas, structures, driveways, curb cuts, parking and loading areas, trac circulaon,
pedestrian walkways, outside display areas, signs, site grading, landscaping, planngs and screening, setbacks and buer strips,
outside lighng, equipment and waste storage areas and sewage disposal areas.
Informaon as to the me period or phasing for compleon of the project.
Three copies of the applicaon packet (no larger than 11”x17), one large format copy of all plans, one digital copy of all plans materials.
Condional Use Applicaon Fee— $360.00
(An addional $500 Technical Review Fee maybe applied to some projects—Sta shall determine)
Please note, upon review of the applicaon the DRB may also require the following submials:
Security as provided in Secon 8.2.5
Formal trac study if a substanal alteraon in public trac ow is ancipated or a large-scale parking area is planned. This may include
analyses of trac volumes, average daily trips, turning movements, paerns of ingress and egress, levels of service on roadways and at in-
tersecons, and modes of trac control.
Applicaon Complete Date: DRB Referral Leer Issued (date): ________ DRB Hearing Date:
Comments: ________ Zoning Fee: __________________
Zoning Administrave Ocer signature: Date:
Signatures: The undersigned hereby ceres this informaon to be complete and true.
Applicant Signature Date Property Owner Signature Date
NOTE: Upon review of the applicaon, the Zoning Administrave Ocer shall issue a Development Review Board referral leer to the appli-
cant conrming the date and me of the upcoming hearing before the Board as per 5.2.1. The referral leer shall also include a Noce Poster
which will be required to be posted on the subject property within view of a public right of way, as per secon 8.2.3. This informaon shall be
sent directly to the Applicant unless otherwise directed.
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