Phone: () 
Location of Work: Property is: Commercial Residential
Owner Name: Phone #:
Mailing Address: Fax #:
Representative Name
(if different)
: Phone #:
Mailing Address: Fax #:
This sidewalk repair project will include:
Tree Removal Yes No Curb and Gutter Replacement Yes No
Curb Ramp Replacement Yes No Driveway Re-Grading or Repair Yes No
Retaining Wall Work Yes No Other
(please specify)
Description of Work:
Who will complete the sidewalk repairs associated with this application?
Please complete ONE column (See Sidewalk Cost-Sharing Program for more information)
City to repair sidewalk
I am submitting:
This completed Sidewalk Cost-Sharing Application
I have read
and I understand the City of 6WHSKHQYLOOHs
Sidewalk Cost-Sharing Program. Upon review and
acceptance of this application, the City will prepare a plan
and/or description of the necessary repairs and request
quotes from contractors. If work on private property is
necessary to complete the sidewalk repair, the Property
Owner DJUHHV WR DOORZ D Wemporary Construction
Easement provided by the City or the work will not be
able to be completed. Once the lowest responsible
bidder is determined, I agree to either deposit funds to
cover those costs of the improvements not covered
under the Sidewalk Cost-Sharing Program within two
weeks of being notified in writing or to withdraw this
application and temporarily repair the sidewalk to a
safe condition in a timely manner.
Signature: Date:
Contractor of owner to repair sidewalk
I am submitting:
This completed Sidewalk Cost-Sharing Application
I have read and I
understand the City of 6WHSKHQYLOOH’s
Sidewalk Cost-Sharing Program. Upon notification from
the City that this application and the corresponding
improvement plan have been reviewed and accepted, I
agree to follow the steps detailed in the Sidewalk Cost-
Sharing Program or I will withdraw this application and
temporarily repair the sidewalk to a safe condition in a
timely manner.
Signature: Date:
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City to repair sidewalk
Step 1:
Application Complete
Step 2A:
Reviewed site
Site is eligible
Funds available (estimated)
Prepare plan or description and obtain 3 written quotes
(select lowest responsible bidder)
Lowest Bid Amount : $
Reimbursable Costs: $
Applicant Deposit Required: $
Send notification letter/deposit agreement to applicant,
this completed application, the plan/description of
improvements, the lowest responsible bidders quote and
TCE (if applicable).
Deposit received, proceed with sidewalk repair
Upon deposit of $__________________ by the applicant
and submittal of a completed deposit agreement and
Temporary Construction Easement (if applicable), the City
agrees to construct the improvements described in the
attached plans/description and lowest responsible bidders
quote. If the improvements are not constructed within six
months, the deposit may be returned upon written request.
Authorized City Signature Below:
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Contractor of owner to repair sidewalk
Step 1:
Application Complete
Step 2B:
Reviewed site
Site is eligible
Funds available
Plans are acceptable
Step 3:
Reviewed quote(s) complying with Zage rates and
selected quote is reasonable based on current
construction standards
Complete the following:
Bid Amount: $
Eligible Reimbursable Costs: $
(up to amount based on final cost)
Work may NOT proceed until the following permits have
been issued:
Encroachment Permit No.:
Tree Permit No. (if applicable):
Building Permit No. (if applicable):
The City agrees to reimburse the applicant of this
application up to $__________________ but no more
than 50% of the overall costs of the sidewalk repairs and
no more than $10,000 for residential properties / $5,000
for commercial properties. Reimbursement is subject to
submittal of all invoices and compliance with all issued
permits for the work as described in the Sidewalk Cost-
Sharing Program. If work is not completed within 6
months of the date below, reimbursement will not be
Authorized City Signature Below:
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
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