UK Passport Details Form
Please note, we will not accept your passport details if your passport has expired
before we receive this form.
Your details
Customer Reference Number
Full name
Passport details
Provide the following details from your UK Passport.
Passport number
Date of issue (DDMMYYYY)
Date of expiry (DDMMYYYY)
To nd out how we’ll use the information you provide go to www.gov.uk/studentfinance to read our
Privacy Notice before signing this form.
Alternatively, you can request a copy by writing to the Student Loans Company Ltd (SLC) at
100 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 7JD or by calling us on 0300 100 0607.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided is true and
complete. If it is not I understand I may not receive financial support, any support I have had may
be withdrawn and I could be prosecuted.
I understand that if I have pr
ovided details of my UK Passport, SLC will verify those details with
HM Passport Office.
Make sure you sign this form in ink. Digital signatures won’t be accepted
Your full name (in BLOCK CAPITALS)
Your signature
Today’s date (DDMMYYYY)
Please return this form to Student Finance England.