Real Property Status Report
ATTACHMENT A (General Reporting) SF-429-A
OMB Number: 4040-0016
Expiration Date: 01/31/2019
Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned
by Federal Agency (#2 on cover page)
Complete the applicable blocks below for each parcel of real property being reported (duplicate this page to provide information for each
parcel of real property being reported under the Federal financial assistance award identified in section 2):
13. Period and type of Federal Interest (MM/DD/YYYY):
Government Furnished Property
14a. Description of Real Property:
14b. Address of Real Property (legal description and complete address including zoning information):
14c. Land Acreage or Square Units:
14d. Gross and Usable Square Footage/Meters (i.e., of building, house, etc.):
14e. Real Property Ownership Type(s):
G. Limited Liability Partnership
I. Government Furnished Property
Total (sum of Federal and Non-Federal Share):
14g. Has a deed, lien, covenant, or other related documentation been recorded to establish Federal interest in this real property?
If yes (unless previously reported), describe the instrument used and enter the date and jurisdiction in which it was recorded:
14h. Has Federally required insurance coverage been secured for this real property?
See instructions for more details.
14i. Are there any Uniform Relocation Act (URA) requirements applicable to this real property?
14j. Are there any environmental compliance requirements related to the real property?