Household Income Attestation
IF you cannot provide the required documentation and do NOT qualify for any of the above programs at this time, please use this form to
document your income. [IF you have the required documentation and plan to provide it as part of your application, you can skip to the
signature page.]
FULL NAME (including YOURS)
YOU (Indicate
“self” for your
(Y or N)
Annual GROSS
Annual gross income from all sources (total of all members)
ousehold income is determined using one of the two following methods:
2020 ANNUAL INCOME: Sum of all your rental household members’ income for calendar year 2020 using the Adjusted Gross Income
(AGI) as noted on your Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040 series for individual Federal annual income tax purposes; or
RECENT ANNUAL INCOME: Sum of all your household members’ income in the last two months and multiplied by 6. If this method is
used to determine income eligibility, applicants will need to recertify their income every 3 months for any award extensions applied f
by t
he applicant.
otential sources of income may include: salary, wage, tips, commissions, business income, interest, dividend, social security benefit, annuities,
insurance, Social Security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits, unemployment and disability
compensation, worker's compensation and severance pay, and Welfare assistance payments.