Gerontology Program
Student Request for Graduate Assistantship
Thank you for your interest in a graduate assistantship (GA). GA positions may be half-time (10 hours)
or full-time (20 hours). Duties and expectations for those who are awarded GA positions may include
community outreach and/or working as a teaching assistant or a research assistant. GAs are expected to
meet regularly with their faculty mentor, establish clear goals for each semester they work as a GA,
document their hours worked each week, and document progress toward their goals.
As GA positions are limited, please complete this application and return it via email to the Gerontology
Program Coordinator at
Graduate Student’s name:
Phone #:
Email: _________________________________________________________
Undergraduate GPA (on a 4.0 scale):
GPA in all graduate courses taken (on a 4.0 scale): ______ or N/A
While completing the program, do you expect to be employed: (check one)
Full-time Part-time No, I will be a full-time student
Please describe your financial need for a GA position and whether you are most interested in a
half or a full-time position.
What educational and professional goals would you like to achieve through a GA position?
Please describe any research skills and experience you may have. Consider relevant courses
taken, projects implemented, publications/presentations, and/or paid employment experiences.
Please describe any teaching experience you may have.
What are your post-graduate school plans (e.g., employment, Ph.D., other)?
In general, when are you unavailable to work as a GA?
Applicant Digital Signature
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