Student Government Association
2020-2021 Election Statement of Intent
Directions: Please print or type clearly and neatly. Provide a statement (250 words or less) as to
why you are interested in serving as a representative on the Student Government Association.
The Statement provided, once approved, will be used on the Election Ballot to describe your
intentions should you be elected onto the Student Government Association Senate.
Statements are due via email to the Student Affairs Office ( by
11:59PM on Monday, October 12, 2020.
Candidate’s Name: Student ID#:
Total Credit hours completed as of 9/1/2020: Major:
Email address: Phone:
Position of interest:
Senator President Vice President Treasurer Student Trustee
*Students may run for multiple positions, but can only hold one office once elected
Statement of Intent/Purpose for your Campaign (no more than 250 words, this statement is
posted on the election ballot, please select your words thoughtfully):
Candidate Signature/Printed Name
click to sign
click to edit