SB-11292 Petition for Family Visitation Page 2 of 2
03/12/13 rev. optional use Family Code, Section 3102
3. Describe the duration and frequency of visitation that is being requested: See attachment
4. A completed Declaration under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (Form FL-105) is
attached, as there is no existing Family Law Case and this Petition shall start a new matter.
5. Petitioner(s) request that the court grant reasonable visitation with the above-named child(ren), and such other relief as
the court may deem appropriate, pursuant to Family Code Section 3102. A Request for Order is being concurrently
filed in order to request a hearing date on the request for visitation.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
__________________________________________ ____________________________________
(Type or Print Name Here) (Sign Name Here)
__________________________________________ ____________________________________
(Type or Print Name Here) (Sign Name Here)