Do not complete if the Contract is held in a Registered
Nominee or Intermediary Account.
If the Contract is held in a Registered Nominee or
Intermediary Account, the Beneficiary
of the Contract is automatically the trustee of the
Registered Nominee or Intermediary Account for
the benefit of the holder of the Registered Nominee
or Intermediary Account.
– Surviving Annuitant: If you designate your spouse or
common-law partner as the sole Beneficiary, your
spouse or common-law partner will have the option
to become the Annuitant and Holder upon your
death, in accordance with the terms established in
the Contract.
– Quebec residents: If you name your spouse or civil
union spouse as Beneficiary, the designation is
considered irrevocable unless you check the box
indicating that it is to be revocable.
– If a Successor Annuitant is designated, upon the
Annuitant’s death, the Contract remains in force
and no death benefit is payable to the Beneficiaries
or the estate.
– The Successor Annuitant shall become the Applicant
upon the Annuitant’s death.
– For a registered plan, only the spouse or common-law
partner can be designated.
Trustee for minor Beneficiary
Not applicable where Quebec laws apply.
If a trustee is appointed above, any death benefit to be
paid under the Contract to the minor Beneficiary who,
at the time payment is to be made, is a minor, will be
paid to the trustee, in trust for the minor Beneficiary.
The trust for any minor Beneficiary will terminate once
the Beneficiary is of age of majority. Before completing
the section above, please consult your legal advisor.
1. First name: ___________________________________ Last name: _______________________________________
Date of birth: Percentage: ________ %
Type: Revocable Irrevocable Gender: Female Male
Relationship to the Annuitant: ________________________________________________________________________
2. First name: ___________________________________ Last name: _______________________________________
Date of birth: Percentage: ________ %
Revocable Irrevocable Gender: Female Male
Relationship to the Annuitant:
3. First name: ___________________________________ Last name: _______________________________________
Date of birth: Percentage: ________ %
Type: Revocable Irrevocable Gender: Female Male
Relationship to the Annuitant: ________________________________________________________________________
4. First name: ___________________________________ Last name: _______________________________________
Date of birth: Percentage: ________ %
Type: Revocable Irrevocable Gender: Female Male
Relationship to the Annuitant: ________________________________________________________________________
5. First name: ___________________________________ Last name: _______________________________________
Date of birth: Percentage: ________ %
Type: Revocable Irrevocable Gender: Female Male
Relationship to the Annuitant: ________________________________________________________________________
First name: ____________________________________ Last name: _______________________________________
Date of birth:
Relationship to the Annuitant: _________________________________________________________________________
Name of minor Beneficiary Date of birth Name of trustee Relationship to minor
________________________ ______________________ _________________________
________________________ ______________________ _________________________
Contingent Beneficiary
The rights of a Contingent Beneficiary (Subrogated
Beneficiary in Quebec) become in force only in the
event that all primary beneficiaries have died before
the Annuitant or if they have waived their rights as
primary Beneficiaries. A Contingent Beneficiary
(Subrogated Beneficiary in Quebec) remains revocable.
First and last name Gender Date of birth Percentage
Male ________ %
Male ________ %
5- Beneficiaries
6- Designation of a Successor Annuitant