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SAS Petition for Course Substitution Accommodation
1. Are you registered with SAS?
Yes No
If yes, complete this petition.
If no, stop. Instead, visit AccessSAS on the SAS website to complete an Application for Accommodations
and Services. If you do not have disability documentation to submit with your application, call
813.974.4309 and ask to make an appointment to talk about a course substitution.
2. General Information:
Anticipated Graduation Date
3. How do you believe your disability impacts your ability to learn?
4. Are you currently enrolled in classes at USF?
Yes No If no, what is your next date of enrollment?:
(Note that course substitutions are only granted for enrolled students.)
5. Are you requesting a Math Course Substitution or a Foreign Language Course Substitution?
Math Foreign Language Both
If Math, continue to Page 2.
If Foreign Language, skip to Page 3.
If Both, complete the entire form.