1530 W. 17 TH STREET
PH: 714-564-6242
Financial Aid Termination Due to Low Cumulative Grade Point Average and Completion Rate
Schools participating in the Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs are required to establish an academic standard that measures a student’s progress toward an
educational goal: certificate, degree or transfer. Rancho Santiago Community College District’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standard includes the following
1. A time frame in which the students goal must be completed (maximum timeframe),
2. An evaluation of units completed (completion rate) and
3. An evaluation of grade point average (cumulative GPA).
All students are expected to successfully complete at least 66.5% of all coursework attempted, and to maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 (C
An evaluation of your satisfactory academic progress has been performed at the end of Spring 2020 semester. The result shows that you fail to meet the SAP standard after a
warning semester. Your cumulative GPA is below 2.0 and your completion rate which was calculated based on all courses you have attempted and completed, is below 66.5%.
Therefore, you are ineligible to receive financial aid starting Summer 2020 semester. Although you have been disqualified from financial aid, you do remain eligible to attend
Rancho Santiago Community College District. Eligibility for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) is calculated separately and this
letter does not concern the CCPG. In order to regain financial aid eligibility, you must complete the deficient units and bring your cumulative completion rate to at least 66.5%.
Notify Santa Ana College Financial Aid Office after you achieve both the required cumulative GPA and completion rate. If you have extenuating circumstances as to the low GPA,
you may appeal by following the appeal procedures below.
The Financial Aid Committee will review your appeal and evaluate your extenuating circumstances documented on this form. You will be notified by mail of the committee’s
decision. You will not be paid for a semester if your appeal is approved after the semester has ended. The deadline to submit your appeal documents for Summer 2020 is
07/09/20, Fall 2020 is 11/13/20 and Spring 2021 is 05/14/2021.
1. Make an appointment with an Academic Counselor in the Counseling Center at Santa Ana College or EOPS Counselor if you are in the EOPS program. During your
appointment, the counselor will evaluate all your academic transcripts from previous colleges and develop a Comprehensive Education Plan detailing the courses that
have been completed, are in progress, and are still needed to complete for your academic program. Make sure all official academic transcripts from previous colleges
are on file at the Admissions & Records office before your Academic Counselor completes your Comprehensive Education Plan. Foreign transcripts are required to be
translated and evaluated before they are turned in.
1. If the counselor completed a paper Comprehensive Education Plan, attached it to this form to submit to the Financial Aid Office.
2. If the Counselor completed an electronic Education Plan in lieu of the paper Comprehensive Education Plan, please ask the counselor for the print out of the
electronic Education Plan and attach it to this form to submit to the Financial Aid Office. Also, please have the counselor complete the information below.
2. Complete the back of this form (Step 1 to 4). Submit all to the Financial Aid Office by the deadline of the semester that you are appealing for.
How to submit your Appeal Documents to Santa Ana College Financial Aid Office?
Go to
, click on Financial Aid Document Intake, create your account to log in and upload
documents. Only PDF, TIFF, JPG and PNG files can be uploaded. Name the file as Appeal Documents. Go to LIVE CHAT if you need help uploading your appeal
Must be completed before submitting:
The Electronic Education Plan was developed for the education goal that the student is appealing for financial aid as follows:
Education Goal at SAC (circle only one goal for financial aid appeal): ___ AA/AS ____Transfer for BA/BS ___ ADT ____
GE Plan:_____________________________ Major:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Academic Program (e.g. SAC.KIN.AA):__________________________________________________________Expected Completion by: ______________ (semester).
If transfer, transfer school: _______________________________________________________________________ Transfer Semester: _________________________
Name of the Counselor who developed the Education Plan _______________________________________________ Ed Plan Date: ___________________________
Comments (if any)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Name: ________________________________________Signature_______________________________________________Date: ______________________
Financial Aid Staff (D3-GPA&%)
click to sign
click to edit
SAP status =D3 Student Name: «FirstName» «MiddleName» «LastName» ID: «Id»
I am appealing for (check one only) : Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021
Step 1: College Degrees/Certificates you have earned at other schools:
Degree/Certificate School Name Date/Year
Step 2: List courses you are enrolling/taking in the semester that you are appealing for: Is the course listed on your Ed Plan
Course Name Course Title Units as Major, General Ed, or Prerequisite?
Step 3: You are disqualified for financial aid because your cumulative GPA is below 2.0 and your cumulative completion rate is below 66.5%. Clearly explain the
extenuating circumstances that have caused you not to maintain the minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA and 66.5% cumulative completion rate (example: injury, illness,
etc.). Specify the reason(s) for each semester you felt below academic progress standards and attach supporting documentation (if no documentation is available, be sure
to explain). Attach additional pages if needed.
Step 4: For future success, describe what you have taken to address the circumstances indicated above and how you will be able to improve your academic performance
and meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standard (ex.: Tutoring, counseling, medical assistance, etc.). Attach additional pages if needed.
_______ I understand that filing a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal does not guarantee continued eligibility for Financial Aid.
_______ I understand that appeal decisions might not be made prior to the first day of classes and I will be responsible for any fee or textbooks costs.
_______ I understand that if this appeal is approved, I will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. To maintain Financial Aid eligibility, I must complete all attempted classes
with a 2.0 GPA or higher. No Ws or F’s. The Financial Aid Office may impose additional conditions that I must achieve in order to continue receiving Financial Aid.
_______ I understand that if this appeal is approved, I will be expected to adhere the attached Comprehensive Education Plan and any additional conditions dictated by the
Financial Aid Office.
Student Signature__________________________________________________________________Date ______________________________________