Zoning Clearance Letter for Business License Application
Date: ________________________
Owner Name and Address:
Contact Information - Email or phone #:
Detailed Description of Business:
Check the box that applies:
For Businesses Based in Unincorporated Areas of Sandoval County: I am registering for a new
business/renewing an existing business within the unincorporated area of Sandoval County to be located at :
For Businesses Based in Areas outside the Unincorporated Areas of Sandoval County: If you are registering
your business and you will be doing business in various part of the county, then check below. My business
will be conducting business in various parts of the County and that the base of operations is not within the
unincorporated areas of the County.
_________________________________________________ ________________________________
Signature Date
Staff use only:
For Businesses Based in Unincorporated Areas of Sandoval County, the zoning of the above described property is:
______________ which (circle one) allows / does not allow for this type of use.
_________________________________________________ ________________________________
Staff Date