1. Is good housekeeping practiced in work area?, Is it free of debris, combustibles,
and obstructions? Are aisles maintained?........................................................................
2. Is storage adequately supported/stable to avoid tipping/falling?......................................
3. Is there at least two (2) feet clearance between stacked materials and ceiling light?......
F. Storage – General
Yes No NA
1. Is emergency equipment (alarm pull boxes, eyewashes, showers, etc.)
accessible and not blocked by equipment?......................................................................
2. Are emergency eyewashes provided in the required chemical areas?.............................
3. Are emergency showers provided in the required chemical areas?.................................
4. Is all emergency equipment in good condition?................................................................
5. Are spill kits accessible and fully stocked per list?............................................................
E. Emergency Equipment
1. Is the storage of combustibles in the work area held to a minimum
to avoid a fire hazard? .....................................................................................................
2. Is clearance of at least 18 inches maintained around fire sprinkler heads?.....................
3. Are flammable/combustible liquids in excess of one day’s operational supply
kept in approved flammable materials storage (FMS) cabinets?......................................
4. Are all FMS cabinets free of combustible materials (cardboard, paper, plastic, etc.)?.....
5. Are all flammable containers properly closed/covered to control vapors?........................
6. Are all flammable/combustible containers properly labeled/ identified?............................
7. Are all refrigerators used for storage of flammable/combustible
liquids/materials approved and explosion proof?..............................................................
8. Are flammable/combustible liquids returned to approved flammable liquid
storage cabinets at the end of the workday?.....................................................................
G. Storage – Fire Protection
Appendix B
1. Are all cylinders properly secured with straps or chains to prevent tipping/falling?..........
2. Are protective valve caps in place when cylinder is not in use?........................................
3. Are empty and full cylinders stored separately?................................................................
4. Are only chemically compatible cylinders stored together?...............................................
5. Are cylinder contents adequately labeled and easily seen?..............................................
6. Is the correct regulator being used for the cylinder service?.............................................
7. Are highly toxic gases stored in vented gas cabinets?......................................................
H. Storage – Compressed Glass Cylinders
1. Are drain openings/pits in the floor or walking surfaces guarded
to prevent tripping/slipping?..............................................................................................
2. Are toe boards in place on elevated platforms to prevent objects fromfalling off
the platform?.....................................................................................................................
3. Are standard guardrails provided on elevated platforms?................................................
4. Are handrails provided and in good condition on stairways?............................................
5. Are there provisions for safe access to elevated machinery/ equipment?........................
J. Railing/ElevatedWork Areas
1. Is the requirement of use of protective equipment enforced?...........................................
2. Is the required personal protective equipment worn?.......................................................
3. When not in use, is personal protective equipment properly maintain/stored?.................
4. Is personal protective equipment readily available for all personnel
including visitors to the area?............................................................................................
5. Is all personal protective equipment free from damage and deterioration?.......................
6. Are all employees using respiratory protection properly trained and authorized by EH&S?
7. Is self-contained breathing equipment properly maintained/ inspected?...........................
I. Personal Protective Equipment