Soboba Tribal Alert Response System
The S.T.A.R.S. system is a tool, similar to reverse 911, used by the Soboba Band of Luiseno
Indians to inform Tribal Members and Employees of information that is related to the
Soboba Indian Reservation.
Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will be kept private. This
form will be destroyed by the IT department after it is transferred to the S.T.A.R.S database.
Please print the following information.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Tribal Member Employee
Home Phone Number(s)______________________Cell Phone Number___________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Prefer Text Message or Email Notifications. Text
Include me in the following notification(s):
o Reservation Emergency Notifications - i.e. (Road
outages, reservation alerts, animal sightings, etc.
(Tribal Members and Employees)
o Community Events - (i.e. Powwow, sports events, holiday
parties, etc.(Tribal Members Only)
o Casino Events - (i.e. Promotions)
(Tribal Members and Employees)
o Tribal Information - i.e. General Council meetings,
administrative, mail outs, new business, etc.)
(Tribal Members Only)
Signature:_________________________________ Date: _______________________
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