1. Please give a brief description of the project: (If a separate sheet is needed, please attach.)
2. What is the condition of the existing housing stock in the area?
3. Why was the area selected for this housing project?
4. Describe the infrastructure needs for this project (water, sewer, electricity, etc.):
5. Does the city/county government support affordable housing? o Yes o No
If yes, please state how the government does so?
6. Is the community aware of the proposed project? o Yes o No
7. Is there, or do you expect, community opposition to the project? o Yes o No
8. If so, by whom, and how do you plan to mitigate this opposition?
9. Date of construction start:_________________ Completion date: __________________________
10. Total project cost: $ _______________________________________________________________
11. What is/was the purchase price for the site or land? $ _____________________________________
12. What is the size of the parcel in acres? ________________________________________________
13. Appraisal value of land/property: "As Is" $_________________ "As Built" $_________________
Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc. 4