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Rural Access Scheme Form
QTAC Application Number:
If you have lived in an Australian rural area, Australian Statistical Geographic Standard (ASGS) Remoteness
Areas (RA) 2 to 5, for 5 full years consecutively (must be 60 full months) or 10 full years
cumulatively (must be 120 full months), and you want to be considered for the Rural Access
Scheme, you will need to provide this completed form along with documentary evidence to
support your application.
Note: The rural residence claimed must be your current or previous primary residence and cannot
include future places of residence. If you attended boarding school you can use your family's address as your
primary residence, however, holiday homes, investment properties and secondary residences do not qualify.
To check your ASGS-RA category 2-5 click here, enter your residential address and use
the ASGS Remoteness Areas 2016 data.
Type of
Example of eligible documents
Supporting letters
Supporting letters can be from a school, university or workplace, health care
professional, pharmacist or government agency stating your residential address
during the period of enrolment/employment or engagement in that service.
Each document must include the residential address, date of issue and dates
marking the beginning and end of the time period to which the document refers.
Supporting documents
Other documents to verify duration of residency such as utility bills or bank
statements showing your (or your family’s) address at the time of issue, and
dates/length of time of residency. These documents can be in your parents’
name (s).
Documents not accepted:
Statutory declarations
Rates notices on their own
Birth Certificates on their own
11 December 2020 is the due date for documentation for the 14 January 2021 offer round.
Documents received after this date are not guaranteed to be assessed in time for the offer round.
Find other essential documentation instructions at:
www.qtac.edu.au/applications/apply- here/documentation.
Letters on plain paper (ie. without formal letterhead)
Letters from family friends or neighbours, etc.
Documents that list only a PO Box address