Robert and Mary Glennen
Leadership Scholarship
Criteria for receiving the scholarship:
• Student has made significant contributions to the enrichment of the campus
community through active participation in co-curricular activities, community
service and overall campus and community involvement.
• Student has demonstrated individual initiative, creativity, responsibility,
cooperation, citizenship and leadership through involvement.
• Student exemplifies high standards of character, leadership and commitment.
• Student must be an undergraduate attending Emporia State University during the
2020-2021 academic year. Recipients will receive the scholarship money for the
2020-2021 academic year.
First Name: ________________________________ Last Name: __________________________________
E-Number: ______________________ Email Address: _________________________________________
Local Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number: ________________________ Home Phone Number: ______________________
Year in School: ___________________ Expected Graduation Date: ____________________________
Major: ______________________________________ Minor: _______________________________________
Name of person providing recommendation letter #1:____________________________________
Name of person providing recommendation letter #2:____________________________________
Recommendation letters: References have the option to write one letter of
recommendation for each scholarship or to apply a single letter of recommendation to
multiple scholars for the same applicant.