Traffic Impact Analysis -7- April 2008
Preparation Guide
In addition to the above, General Plan Amendments and Specific Plans shall include the
• Specific Plan signalization analysis
• General Plan conformance review
• CETAP conformance review
• Identification of regional funding mechanisms
Projects that involve special uses, such as truck-intensive projects or special events, may also
be required to perform additional analysis to determine project impacts.
10. 1 Level of Service Analysis
The Riverside County General Plan has established minimum Level of Service standards for
developments. These minimums may vary according to the area involved. The Traffic Impact
Analysis shall address whether or not the required Levels of Service will be achieved after the
proposed project is constructed. Level of Service calculations shall be included with the TIA for
all intersections studied. For intersections or roadway links not meeting the required Level of
Service, the intersection or roadway link’s Level of Service must be recalculated using the
proposed mitigation measures to verify that the required Level of Service will be achieved. For
sites with heavy truck usage, Passenger Car Equivalents (PCE’s) as approved by the
Transportation Department shall be utilized in the analysis.
The County’s Level of Service standards, as published in the County’s General Plan, Chapter 4,
are included in the attached Exhibit E.
10.2 Proposed Mitigation Measures
All studies that propose increasing the number of travel lanes on a road or intersection as
mitigation measures, either beyond existing conditions or for General Plan conditions beyond
what is planned for that level of roadway shall clearly identify the impacts associated with such a
change. Identification of funding mechanisms available to fund the improvements and exhibits
showing the lane configuration must be provided in the report.
The exhibits illustrating the improvements must be to scale but conceptual in nature (not
engineering drawings). The concept illustrations must depict, in addition to existing and required
right-of-way, any physical barriers that might preclude making the needed improvements.
Barriers that may preclude making the improvements, such barriers as railroads, major drainage
structures, power lines, and others must be identified. Any other features that might render the
improvements infeasible must also be identified. The objective is to ensure that when Conditions
of Approval are written, there will be every expectation that the required improvements will, in
fact, be made.
Concept illustrations, as described above, shall be prepared for the following instances:
• All improvements, whether on-site or off-site, necessary to mitigate impacts under
Existing plus Ambient Growth, plus Project conditions
• All improvements abutting the proposed project and that are necessary to mitigate
impacts under Existing plus Ambient Growth, plus Cumulative Projects, plus Project