Degree of Confidentiality
What is the degree of confidentiality of the information produced or handled by the department?
_____ 1. Information produced by the department is not confidential and is generally
available to the public, the release of which would not result in any potential
loss or embarrassment to the University.
_____ 2. Information produced by the department is available to designated employees
of the University in connection with their jobs. Release to the public or to an
unauthorized entity could result in minor financial loss or moderate
embarrassment or violation of an individual’s privacy.
_____ 3. Information produced by the department requires protection against
unauthorized or premature disclosure. Such disclosure could result in serious
loss or embarrassment or could adversely affect the department, the University
or the subject of the information.
Instances of Abuse
Have there been any instances of fraud, computer abuse, or data loss for this department?
_____ 1. No instances of "known" fraud, computer abuse or loss of data have occurred
during the last 24 months. Internal controls are in place and effective.
_____ 2. Instances of "known" fraud, computer abuse or loss of data have occurred
during the last 24 months. Internal controls that were lacking have been
installed and are being monitored for effectiveness.
_____ 3. Instances of "known" fraud, computer abuse or loss of data have occurred
during the last 24 months. Internal controls have not been strengthen.
Desirability of Inventory
Do you have any departmental inventory (not fixed assets or equipment) or specialized inventory
such as controlled substances, hazardous wastes, or precious metals?
_____ 1. Inventories are valued at low dollar amounts and do not include specialized
items or no inventory.
_____ 2. Inventories are at relatively moderate dollar amounts and do not include
specialized items.
_____ 3. Inventories are valued at high dollar amounts or include specialized items, such
as hazardous wastes. (Please indicate which.)
Complexity of Operations
Are assignments or transactions managed by your department inherently complex?
Do assignments or transactions require a significant amount of time or number of steps to
complete? Are work tasks difficult, requiring a high degree of interpersonal coordination and/or
extensive training?
_____ 1. The department's/area's instruction's operations are relatively simple.
_____ 2. Assignments or transactions require several persons or steps, are somewhat
time consuming, and require moderate training.
_____ 3. Assignments or transactions require several persons or steps, are very time
consuming, and require extensive training.